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Sexy Back436 viewsZeus my male Mosaic Chinchilla

Hide N Seek434 viewsZeus my male Mosaic Chinchilla

Pose434 viewsZeus my male Mosaic Chinchilla

Bed Time430 viewsZeus my male Mosaic Chinchilla

Bunny429 viewsZeus my male Mosaic Chinchilla

Peach leaning on bowl286 viewsThis is Peach my new chinchilla. At least I have tentatively named it then found out it appears to be a male after I was told it was a female so I might rename it. Age is a guess. Eventually I'll replace this with a better photo.

Little Girl229 viewsThis is one of my favorite chinchillas. She is mad at me in the picture because I woke her up to tak e this picture. She is all personality!!!

Taking the stairs211 viewsThe lower cages need only the wood stool, while some the bar stool too. This one needs an extra few steps.

Black Velvet (Eb carrier) FOR SALE211 viewsOne of my male chinchillas I have up for sale. He looks just like a Black Velvet with a pure white belly, but he breeds like an ebony. 75% of his babies have grey bellies.

Genital area of my baby chin198 viewsTaken by lifting his tail up and only his front legs were on the desk.


Kelly & Sadie195 viewsThis is my favorite picture!!
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