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Errr... Chinchilla Help
« on: September 04, 2007, 06:56:19 PM »

Well, I am 12 and I might get a chinchilla in a year or two. When my hamsters pass :'( I probably will get one.

I have a few questions:
I wake up early at 6 am in the morning on school days to say hi to the hamsters, and when I get home I have a good bit of time. Will that be enough to play with them?
What type of food should I give them? I've heard of the best food mix, Mazuri, alot of people have had sucsessful chinchillas with it. Should I feed it timothy hay? IF so, how much? How much food should I feed it, 1 or 2 tblspoons?
I heard every time you clean the cage, you have to soak it in vinigar. Is it nescessary? I would really just like to wrinse it out, for a 2-3 story cage.
How good of eyesight do they have and how smart are they? What kind of taming techniques should I use?

I have done quite a bit of reasearch, but I would really like to talk with people who own chinchillas in person, right now, and I want to make sure all the info I have collected is accurate.

Jo Ann

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Re: Errr... Chinchilla Help
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2007, 06:42:39 AM »

 ::silly::  Lots of good general questions.   ::nod::  When you learn to ask the right questions, you are on the way to learning the answer to them.  You are doing good.  I will touch on the questions here, but you might also like to check-out the Chinchilla Club On-Line Magazine and other areas on this web site ... there is lots to learn before you get a chinchilla.  My website also has lots of good info on it.

I wake up early at 6 am in the morning on school days to say hi to the hamsters, and when I get home I have a good bit of time. Will that be enough to play with them?
Chinchillas are nocturnal and sleep most of the day ... it might be a good idea to do your homework when you first get home from school and plan a play time for the chin closer to bed time for you.  That also helps relax you before you go to bed.  Chins can get you relaxed and in a good mood so you can sleep better.   :::grins::

What type of food should I give them?
Mazuri, Oxbow and Traditions are the only ones I recommend.  Stay away from those bagged in clear plastic, "deluxe" mixes, and ones that do not have a mill date or expiration date on them. 

How much food should I feed it, 1 or 2 tablespoons? 
Chins usually eat about 2 tablespoons of pellets a day.  But, all chins are not the same, some will eat less and some will want more ... just judge it by the amount your chinchilla eats over a 24 hour period.  I like to give them a tablespoon in the morning and one at night ... but, I always make sure there is some in the feeder at all times.

Should I feed it timothy hay? IF so, how much?
Timothy and alfalfa hay both have different nutrients in them ... I usually feed mine a mix of 1/2 Timothy and 1/2 alfalfa hay.  Try to keep hay available at all times.  A good hand-full at a time.  Do not leave hay in the cage that has been there for 24 hours ... by then, they have usually urinated on it and it molds easily.

I heard every time you clean the cage, you have to soak it in vinegar. Is it necessary? I would really just like to rinse it out, for a 2-3 story cage. 
Vinegar will help clean it better and help counteract the acid in the urine, so that your cage will last longer.
Would you like to lay/sleep/play in an area that has been urinated or pooped on?  Neither does your chin.  It takes more than just water to clean a cage.  If you don't want to do the clean-up properly, maybe a chin is not the pet for you.  I hope that does not hurt your feelings, but, I'm just being honest with you.   :)

How good of eyesight do they have and how smart are they?
Their eyesight is not that good, but their sense of smell is ... never handle a chin without washing your hands and face first ... that food you ate earlier left a scent on you ... your chin may think it is a treat and take a little bite.

They are extremely smart and seem to be able to find ways to open their cage door or get anything they want, if they want it bad enough.

What kind of taming techniques should I use? 
Lots of love and patience.

I want to make sure all the info I have collected is accurate.
That's where lots of research comes in to play. 
Check out sites like California Chins, a research center for chinchillas in California.

On here, you will find the answers to many questions and have access to many chinchilla owners and breeders.  You can usually find the information here is good and you will also find there are varying opinions on most questions, but, we discuss it here and all learn from each other.   ::nod::

 ::wave::  Jo Ann
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Re: Errr... Chinchilla Help
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2007, 03:28:34 PM »

Yea, I have a year until I get one, so I'll get plenty of reasearch on them.
I'm shooting to get them in 1-2 months, wich is my b-day.
About the cage cleaning thing, my mom surely won't let me but a bunch of bottles of vinigar, anything else I could use? Or can I just scrub down the pee, instead of soaking it?


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Re: Errr... Chinchilla Help
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2007, 04:49:39 PM »

I don't know if you can buy this in America, but here in England I can get a spray detergent that is safe for chinchillas which I use on the cage, I then scrub it as well and rinse it well with water. But you would have to make really s#certain that whatever you buy is safe. :)


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Re: Errr... Chinchilla Help
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2007, 04:57:05 PM »

JoAnn had alot of awesome responses, and I figure I'll just throw some at you as well.  Just some experiances from a 16 Year old with A chin :)

The most important thing to remember is just like dogs, and people, Chins are not all alike.

Personally, My Chin- I could probably give him 1 Tbsp of Mazuri feed each week. He only eats it during the time that I'm asleep and he manages to eat all of his hay.  { I go to bed at 10:30pm and wake up at 3am. By no means do you have to do this lol!}

I always keep his bowl full, since it's elevated, I've never found him to urinate or poo in it.  His hay, I keep in this.. rotating Hay ball . He loves it, and it keeps him from, again, urinating and pooing on it.   What I did, with my cage- is I have a slide-out pan. It's very easy, just pull out, dump the bedding, and refill. Since they don't  sleep on the bedding, and they don't stink, I have no need to use vinegar. { I do disinfect the pan after I dump out the bedding though, just to get rid of germs.}

However, My male mouse is a different story. It's almost a neccessity to use vinegar on his cage, and disinfectant, AND deodorizer. He's a little stinker! { I have  One mouse, One Chin, and a Border collie in my room, and he makes enough stink for the chin, dog, and myself, yeesh! }

I would also reccomend, when you get one, that you disinfect your room with some lysol, and if at all possible, keep your chin in a different room from your hamsters for about a month. { Unless they pass, then -  still disinfect your room with lysol or something, just to get rodent germs out of there.} Since it is possible to transfer disease from rodent to rodent.

 Also, Read and research all you can. I'll be honest, my parents never heard of a chinchilla, so I read and reread everything until I could recite word for word almost everything about them. { And, I presented them with the option of Rat or Chinchilla, and well.. they preferred the chins ;) }

Also, if you don't want to do vinegar, I believe they have lysol Wipes that could work? Maybe someone who has used them as substitute could tell you.

Also, regarding activity time with your Chinchilla -

When I do it during the week, I usually take him out at about 6PM for about 45 minutes romp-around-the-bathroom time. If I can't do that, I have an 11.5" Ball that I let him roll around in til his heart's content. Mine has learned that he has a special bag { Pet carrier } That when I put it to his cage door, it's time to be handled and/or let out for a romp around and/or he gets to go somewhere with me out in public.  { AKA, the petstore for toys, or the Vet to visit his former owner.}
UNfortunately, they MAY keep you up at night if they're in your room. Mine enjoys making as much ruckus as possible from about 10:30 until midnight.  He also enjoys his hello's in the morning, which is usually a pet and treat session  at about 5:45 or 6:15AM.  Then he goes to sleep. :)

Hope something from here helped!
« Last Edit: September 05, 2007, 05:02:27 PM by TNChinChin »


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Re: Errr... Chinchilla Help
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2007, 07:35:49 PM »

Yea, the tray thing was what I was thinking of buying. Right now with the hamsters, we fill a bathtub with very hot water and soak it, then scrub it.

About the hamsters. I highley doubt they will get the chinchilla sick, but I like keeping my hamsters in seperate rooms, just because they really hate each other (long story made short: we bought them, they got along fine at the petstore, disaster at home, they nearly killed each other). Personally, I'm only going to get 1 of any animal, because I'm not prepared for any fights and extra cages.
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