Chinchillas > South East USA

Calendar Prices

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I voted More than $2.50 - Maybe if you have extra time when you work on them, it'd be a cool idea  if you did them in like .. all sorts of different colour chins.

{ I know I'd adore a calendar with a Homo-Beige, since that's my boy! }

Let me know when they go on sale, though, i definitely want one.

Jo Ann:
 ::silly::  Thanks ... the ones I have so far are a standard kit, a hetro ebony, a homo ebony, a dark tan wrap, a brown velvet, a white mosaic, a black velvet and a violet wrap.  I am in the process of doing some of the other colors (yes, one will be a homo beige kit) and I hope to have 6 of the 7 main colors plus a few that are mixed.  I do not have a sapphire or a blue diamond chinchilla ... if I did, I would make one of them, too.

Let me back-up and question that last statement ... I may have a blue diamond and not know it for sure ... I have a pair that I put together and did not check their background close enough ... a white mosaic that is a sapphire carrier (the only one I have that has sapphire in it) and a standard gray that is a violet carrier.  They just gave birth to tripplets a couple of weeks ago ... two look like standards, but one looks like a very unusual, but beautiful "violet" ... since I have no sapphires to compare it to, I'm not sure what it is yet.  I hope to bring it to the field day and get some other opions and compairasons.  ;-)   As I understand it ... a standard gray/violet carrier and a standard gray/sapphire carrier can produce what is called a 'blue diamond' chinchilla.   Anyone that has a sapphire or a blue diamond that is comming to the field day, please bring it!  I am not familiar with these, but would love to learn about them.

The calendars will be on sale at the Field Day Show on October 20th in South Carolina.

 ::wave::  Jo Ann

Jo Ann:
 ::silly::  The calendars and some of the pictures on them are now in my album "Chinchilla Calendars" ...

 ::wave::  Jo Ann


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