Chinchillas > Cages



what would be a good cage for a chin?

ferret type cages are a good place to start.  Your chinchilla needs a wire cage with a few shelves.  If you are getting your chinchilla soon after weaning age you need to be sure it is made with 1 x 1/2 inch wire or smaller.  Babies can walk right out of anything larger. 

Chinchillas love to jump so your cage should have shelves.  Stay away from the cages made of plastic shelves.  Be sure they are made of 1/2 x 1/2 inch wire or untreated pine wood. 

Here are my two favorite on-line chinchilla cage stores to give you some ideas:

Jo Ann:
::silly::Hi Chinchilla Gurl,

      One thing you want to make sure of, is that there is no plastic in the cage.  We were given a cage once (when we picked up a chin) that had a plastic bubble on the side ... it worked fine ... until ... I put another chin in with him for a cage mate ... the new chin chewed a hole and both escaped during the night.  :-[ We had fun hunting for about 4 hours. ::outofmymind::

      Here's a picture of one we use to make, just to give you an idea what a good/safe chin cage would look like ...

Jo Ann

Also a look for a cage with a high bottom because they can pee outside of the cage. and i now end up shampooing the carpet. ;D

Make sure you get a big cage if you don't have any kits because my chin's first cage was too small


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