I had Weeza quarantined just incase to protect my herd- then decided to go ahead and see the vet so if it was a fungus I could get it before it spred. I won't be taking her back there- but I don't think I will need to.
I just told them I thought it was a scar from a bite that was healed- but I wanted to make sure it wasn't a fungus. I was really worried they didn't know how to handle her and he had to take her and weigh her so I watched through the window and they commented that I was staring so I opened the door and said I wanted to watch b/c I could tell he didn't know how to hold her (they wrapped her in a towel to weigh her). He brought her in holding her like a ball and she looks like she's been in a war with shaggy looking fur now. I was mad they wouldn't do it right and it was making her hot.
The vet acted like I was crazy b/c I didn't seem to think they knew how to do their job- which they didn't. I said I didn't want them to hurt her because it is very easy and they can get away from you even easier. They still acted like the way I said to hold them was wrong and never listened.
They plucked a few hairs to do a fungal culture on and it will be 10 days till we know. She wasn't worried about it tho- she agreed it was probably a scar. But then she asked if I knew they needed baths and I got angry because she was beautiful until he mishandled her. They did not even know chins came in more colors then just grey either.
Anyways- I'm quarantining her until we know for sure. And I'm still searching for a good vet for my babies to be seen at.
I was suprised she didn't spray, bark or bite them. She's little miss attitude.. thats why shes Weeza.