Learning and paying attention to everything your chin does will teach you how to know when something is wrong with it. You have to be very observant at all times. Sometimes the simplest small thing can tip you off that there is trouble.
In the wild, if a chinchilla shows signs of injury or illness, it made him/her an obvious prey, so they learned to hid the fact that they were sick or injured. Unfortunately, this natural instinct is still with them today. This is why you really have to pay attention to every thing ... at all times.

Here are a few of the simple common signs:
1) Where he/she is sitting in the cage. This may sound crazy, but often a chin that is sick will sit still and stay still, at the door, the front of the cage, or under the waterbottle to get your attention. Usually, they are pretty bad by the time they get to that point.
2) Being less active than normal. Setting off to the side or in one corner, not moving around as he/she normally does.
3) Increase or decrease in the amount of water they consume.
4) Decrease in the amount of food he/she is or is not eating.
5) Having trouble getting around.
6) Heavy or labored breathing.
7) Shallow breathing.

Being very/unusually fussy. When they do not feel good, are sick or in pain ... some chinchillas are just like humans ... they don't want to be bothered.
9) Sneezing or coughing.
10) Watery eyes.
11) Seems to have trouble chewing/sowallowing food.
12) Bleeding.
I am sure others may have more to add to the list ... it is so hard to try to remember them all.

Jo Ann
Is your little one doing something that seems unusual or strange to you?