Breeders > Breeding 101

Good time?


 My chin has had two kits,both healthy :).But what I was wondering was since it has been 2 weeks since she has given birth is it okay to put the male back into the cage with her and the kits?If not when is?I can't stand leaving him in a cage alone he looks so sad.Also would it be okay the put another female in with the mother and kits aswell?The mother knows the female from before birth and I was wondering if there would be any problems if I do introduce her to the kits?
Thanks for all the help! :::grins::

Jo Ann:

     The mother may or may not allow the daddy back in with her. :-\  Sometimes they will and sometimes they won't ... the mother usually senses if it is safe for the daddy to come back with the kits.  Some males will kill or harm the kits, but not usually.  ???  They can be a big help to momma in taking care of them.  :-[ You may have to re-introduce them over a period of time since they have been apart for two weeks.

     Normally, I let the daddy go back on day 10 after the kits are born ... during bath time ... that is usually a happy time for all of them and seems to work well.

     Normally, I let daddy visit with the kits from the day after they are born, while momma gets a well needed rest break/play time away from the kits and out of the cage. This also allows the daddy's scent to remain in the cage and on the kits.  Do watch them very carefully.  Most will care for the kits, but a few will kill them.  I have one mom that will not let the daddy back if she has a male, but will if she has only females.  I have one litter that would nurse mom, but as soon as they were full, would run to daddy and snuggle with him.   ::)

      Personally, I would not put the other female in there, too.  Other females have been know to kill kits that did not belong to them ... much more often than the daddy doing it.

Jo Ann 

Thanks for the help ;)


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