Cheech is a really strange chinchilla. The breeders we got Chong from offered to come round and sex her for us and even they commented how weird she was. She was upside down on top of her box, holding onto the wire on top with her hands and feet fast alseep at the time so I can understabnd why they thought that. Anyway, she has a habit of sleeping on her wooden ledges with her head right over the edge. As she gets into a deeper sleep she begins to fall off, eventually she does. She wakes up, obviously, looks startled for a minute and then goes right back onto the same ledge and goes back to sleep. The cycle continues...
I've had to move her whole cage around so she can't fall too far and hurt herself, but no matter how I put it she finds somewhere to fall off from. She loves her ledges and loves jumping from them so I don't want to get rid of them completely, but number one, is this normal? I'm getting quite worried about her and number two, can I do anything about it? She loves to be up high, the higher she is the happier she is, I keep having to put more ledges in to stop her falling so far but then she finds somewhere else to sleep and consequently fall from. Silly chinnie.