I have two new chins, and I thought getting them in the cage would be hard, but I've had good luck. Here's what I do. First, I let them come out on their own. It takes them a few minutes, as they need to assess if it's safe. Once they decide it is, they come out and have some fun. Sometimes there's noises (or they don't know my husband as well as me, so if he's in the room) and it takes them longer, or they don't come out at all. That's ok with me, if they're not comfortable, I don't make them come out. This rarely happens now though.
While they're running around they go back in the cage often. Sometimes I think for security, but also, once they're both in and I shut the doors I give them a raisin. Sometimes I think they go home early just to get the treat! When I first got them I had to lure them in with a treat, or pick up their bath while they were in it, but rewarding them for going home will make it easier for you, and for your chin. Now they do it because they know they are going to get a treat, and they readily ask for it. If they think it's their idea, and are rewarded for it, they are less likely to be angry with you.
I tried the "tough love" like you did twice, and although it calmed the aggression of one of my chins, it wasn't the best thing to do. They have long memories, adn you may find that you will have problems putting your hands in the cage later on if he feels threatened (some will bite). Remember, they need to feel safe in thier cages.
Have you tried making him hop on your hands to get out of the cage? Just be careful if he's a biter, I have one I can't do that with, as she will bite really hard.
If your chin is barking in his cage for attention, ignore it, but go back when he's being quiet and reward this behaviour. If he gets your attention with bad behaviour, he will continue to do it.
also, how long are you letting your chin out? Maybe it's not enough time and he wants to continue exercising. Does he have a wheel/flying saucer?
If you want to get closer to him, lay on the floor and give him treats. Laying down makes you seem less intimidating. My girls have only been here two months, and they sit on my chest and eat treats (I cut up a raisin so they think they're getting more) and let me pet them. They also use my stomach as a trampoline, which is hilarious!
I hope this helps. I'm sure other people who have had more experience will have other advice. Good luck.