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Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2008, 11:18:23 PM »

They are so smart!  Since I tried the "tough love" as you called it, M'noke, who just witnessed it, was aware of what I did,and they are both careful now when I give them treats.  I think the fact that he sits and jumps with you is good.  That's how my girls are,and I know when I first got them, I couldn't even think of petting them before they would hop away.  (seriously, they knew I was thinking it!)   :::(((

If you're not going to be around there are ups and downs to getting anew chin.  ONe: Louie would then have company, but then might not need you.  Two:  They might need your love when you are with them. 

It's a tough call, and you won't know until you do it.  I would hang in for a bit more, and see if he's going to come around.  Someone told me it was exactly the six month mark where their chin became loving.  But I really don't know, I'm in the same boat as you! 

Maybe try locking him in the bathroom, where there's no trouble he can get into and he can't get away.  It's probably so small he'll get bored and just love your attention!   rofl


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Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2008, 06:33:52 AM »

Yeah, I'm really at a loss about what to do.  I'm going to see a new baby this weekend, and I know I'm going to fall in love...but he's not available until the end of Feb. anyway. 

I think all my effort to love Louie is stressing him out, so I'm just going to try once more tonight in the hallway, with the baby gate on top of the cage. I really want to be able to hold him for at least a minute, so he's somewhat used to handling before it's too late, but I don't want to freak him out forever, either.  If he gets out, he gets out and I'll just have to let him do his thing.  Eventually maybe he'll come around???   ::think::

I'll keep you posted on how it goes tonight!  Thanks so much for the replies! ::nod::


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Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2008, 05:21:50 PM »

Here is my advice:

It seems like you are getting another one (if you do) because Lu doesn't love you as much as you want and you think another one might. You also think that this other chinchilla will teach Lu. This is going to sound very horrible but I think you are taking the easy way out. I think you are at your wits end and are ready to give up but getting another chinchilla seems like it could be a miracle option that means you don't have to do a lot but you get the results you want. See I told you that was going to sound nasty. I don't want to shout at you and if I'm wrong I really apologise. I could have got the wrong end of the stick completely. A pet is a huge commitment, not something you can give up on. Would you give up on your child if you had one, just because they were misbehaving? Don't get another chinchilla because you're not happy with the way your current one is acting. My Cheech was exactly the same way when I first got her but now she is as tame as can be. It took me a year and a half to win her over, but it was worth it. Please don't hate me for what I have said I'm not having a go, I just don't want you to get another chinchilla because you think there is something wrong with yours only to find out that the new one is exactly the same and now you have two to deal with. I hope you can understand.

Now for some better advice. :)
Sit by the cage. Let Lu sniff your fingers through the cage. Tickle him through the cage and let him take treats from you and nibble your fingers (the greeting nibbles, don't let him bite you hard :)). Sit with your legs on level with the door so that if you opened the door he could hop onto your legs. Put your hands in the cage trough the door and let him come to them. Do not chase him around because he doesn't like it and he will learn your hands are scary. Let him come to your hands of his own accord and give him treats. Not too many or you'll make him unhealthy. He might try and escape. Only let him onto your legs and use your hands to stop him escaping. This might be really hard. :::grins:: He has to learn that he can't come out all the time anyway. Play with him in the cage, tickle him and use your hand to snuggle with him if he'll let you. This is how I bonded with Cheech. Eventually when she was on my lap I could hug her to my body. She hated this at first and would run back to the safety of her cage, but after a month or so she learned to trust me. Sometimes I would give her a treat while holding her so that she learned to associate hugs with treats. I hold her with her head under one of my arms which I hug her with and my fingers round her bum with her tail through two of them. It takes a lot of time to earn the trust of a prey animal. Have patience.

Some advice on letting him out:
Try and find an enclosed room. A lot of people use the bathroom making sure there is no water around first. Making barricades rarely works as you know because they are so damned intelligent. Mine spend all their time trying to outsmart me and get under the bed etc. And just as others have said find something your chinchilla likes to use as a bribe to get him to go back in. With the dust bath, show it to him and don't let him in, hopefully he'll get even more excited. Lure him into the cage. Put the dust bath completely in the cage if you can and shut him in with it. Mine learned I did this and eventually wouldn't go back in. :)
A lot of people here use timers. They set the timer for half an hour or whatever and when it rings they get their chinchilla(s) back into the cage. After a time they learn that the bell means they have to go back, but if going back is rewarded with a treat they start to go back automatically to get the treat. Try lettign him out at the same time each day if you can and for the same amount of time. Chinchillas respond well to a scedule. I try not to chase mine too much. The towel never worked for me either. I try to get them into a corner where their only way out is past me. If I'm on my knees and they jump on my lap I hug them to me quickly and deposit them in their cage with a treat to follow. Also you are not comfortable holding a chinchilla. I wasn't and it's hard to pick them up when you're not comfortable doing it you just don't know how. After a while it becomes second nature and everything becomes a lot easier.

And some thoughts on treats. You don't want to give too many treats because they become unhealthy and can get ill, bad livers and diabetes etc. It should be limited to one a day, but when you're training a chin you might need to give them more. Well this is something I found handy. I have another brand of chinchilla food I use for treats. It tastes different to their normal one and has a different shape and texture and they think it's a treat. I give them one or two pellets a day and they think they're not allowed to have a lot of them. There, perfect treats that they can't have too many of. :)

Anyway I hope I've helped and I hope you don't hate me now. I don't want to be nasty I just don't want you to give up on your little one or get another thinking that will solve the problem when it might make it worse. It does take time to earn their trust, they are prey animals and think how huge we are to them. They are scared and it might take you a year to fully earn his trust but it is so worth it! Be patient. Spend a little time each day with him, letting him get to know you, tickling him, treating him, earning his trust. Then try letting him onto your lap to pick him up. I really hope it all works for you. It looks like you're making progress anyway because he will come to you and will let you tickle him. Keep us all informed as well. :)


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Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2008, 05:43:59 PM »

Whew, why do I feel like I've just been called to the principal's office for something I didn't do? :)
It's ok, I get your point.  But I would never give up on Louie!  I just meant give up with the whole trying-to-hold-him-when-he-obviously-hates-it-thing.  The little darling is my life, and it was a suggestion I was entertaining to think about getting another chin.  Thanks to stellar advice, like yours, I have decided against it, at least while I'm in graduate school.  I just don't have time for two, esp. if they don't get along!  But Louie and I work well, me doing homework at night and him running around and sitting on my feet while I type, and he sleeps the whole day while I'm in class.  I have faith he'll come around eventually.

The way my apartment is (tiny!) it's impossible to seclude him in another room.  Barriers won't work, and as soon as I open the cage he shoots out like a bullet!  I will try only letting him on my lap, but he'll shoot out of there superquick too, I'm sure. 

So, I'll keep you guys all posted!  Right now he's busily chewing away on a cardboard box and staring at me, cutie-pie!

Thanks for all the advice, I appreciate it.


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Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2008, 07:27:36 PM »

Don't take any offense, it is a group of chin owners giving advice. That is what is so wonderful about this forum. I think everyone just wanted to make sure you know all of the pros and cons before investing in another possible 20 year commitment. I know how hard it is to be a student with a chin. I am a stay-at-home mom, along with being a full time student. I currently have 8 chins here. I spend a MINIMUM of three hours a day on the chins alone. Everyone knows how much you love your chin. If you didn't love and cherish him, you would not take the time in this forum! I look forward to seeing how your relationship progresses. It took me about a year for my first chin to fully warm up to me. I have two new chins, and they have both peed on me today. could be worse!  :doh:
~Kristin Carlin~
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Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2008, 07:42:44 PM »

Thanks, there's definitely no hard feelings at all!  Thank all of you for the great advice and I'll keep everyone posted on the adventures of Beth and Louie!  Wow, I'm amazed about you being a stay at home Mom and a full time student plus chins!  You're my hero!  ;)

Stay tuned...


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Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2008, 08:59:11 PM »

Sorry again! I know it's not nice to get harsh advice.
I understand about giving up on holding him and to a certain degree I agree with that. Don't force him. He'll come round eventually, like I said, with time. :) It's not important anyway, he comes to you and sits on your feet, you've not had him very long anyway.
Chinchillas are great pets because they sleep during the day while we are all away and awake at night while we are here. And they learn your routine so they learn to wake up just as you get back.


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Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2008, 09:49:14 PM » just made my day!  :blush2:
~Kristin Carlin~
**Chillin' Chinchillas**
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Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2008, 11:42:24 PM »

Thought I'd share a story with you today, in the hopes that it would help.  When I first got Kira and M'noke, Kira was very aggressive.  She once bit me so hard and deeply that i have nerve damage   ???  I was very distressed and didn't know what to do.  I got her a wheel (which was hard to find here, I had to get it shipped in).  Today she sat on my chest eating a treat (they were both there) and gave my face a full on sniff, placing her paws on my chin to sniff further up my face.  In our house (with our cats) this is considered a kiss.   :::grins:: 

If my Kira can come around, your Louie can too.   :)


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Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2008, 05:58:38 PM »

Glad to see you have given up the idea of getting a baby so soon after obtaining your first chin...especially with small living quarters, little time, and probably little funding.  Also, to encourage this decision, know that regardless of breed, sex, or age--there is no way of knowing how any 2 chinchillas will get along, PLUS they do not always have much influence on one another (in regards to your hopes that a new one would help "train" this one). Like just about everyone else, I have come to realize that it can take many months to see results in behavior modification. My smallest house-mates are a 16-y/o female (Charlie) I got when she was 10-weeks, and a 4-y/o male (Chin) I just adopted 3 weeks ago. I discover/observe something new in their behaviors almost every day:

I have just recently gotten to the point where Charlie almost goes into her cage on command: after running around and doing ninja-style acrobatics she gets tired and goes to a particular spot to rest, and if she stays long enough I go over to her cage and squat next to it...she immediately runs over, looks up to her cage and back at me, gives me nose kisses, I say "go on in" and she leaps up to the 2nd level, I give her a scratch and close the door and slip her a treat.

I was told when I adopted Chin, that he was a lover and liked being handled. Well, if that was true (and it could be), then he digressed tremendously when handed over to a new owner (he had been with a foster parent for 4 months) because the little bugger wanted nothing to do with me, HATED being held and wouldn't even allow a finger touch when out of the cage, and worse yet he didn't play at all or chew on anything (but his appetite and digestion were fine, thank goodness). He has improved remarkably, and is much more "normal". Now, if I sit really still and not reach out to him, he comes up to me to sniff my face or nibble on my clothes, and is just starting to respond when I make noises at him. But my point is--like that of everyone else--is that it has been a slow process and requires LOTS of patience. So much love and hope to you in the process of growing a relationship with your new friend. Please don't be discouraged by his less-than-amiable behavior.


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Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2008, 12:22:37 PM »

I'm having trouble with my chin to. I tried chaseing him around and catch him but thats hard to do. He doesn't like it either. I'v been giving him a raision right by the cage and then I can get him in. He's only about 2 months old though, and I'v been told that its not good to give baby chins treats yet. What do you think? I think I'm going to try the towel thing and see if that works.


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Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2009, 05:04:37 PM »

I had this trouble with my chin in the begining too.... the other day after much reading i had decided to let him out to play and instead of trying frantically to keep him from jumping on my bed or hiding in little spaces that id idnt want him in, i simply let him out and basically ignored him.. I come to the belief that he wanted me to get him in trouble.  he kept going to the usual "no no" places in the room and would stop and look at me.  I ignored him and read a book.  He ran up and jumped on me, this is when i was really convinced he was trying to get in trouble and was confused as to why i wasnt scolding him lol.  After he got the point that i wasn't going to care he came down and sat with me as i read my book and part of the time sat on my shoulder.. even took a nibble from the pages.  he also went into his cage willingly without any persuasion or bribery. i figure he just needed to get his exploration out of the way to calm down because no matter how many times i tried to keep him away from those places he would find his way with his little ninja moves.

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Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2009, 03:03:56 PM »

I'm having trouble with my chin to. I tried chasing him around and catch him but thats hard to do. He doesn't like it either. I'v been giving him a raision right by the cage and then I can get him in. He's only about 2 months old though, and I'v been told that its not good to give baby chins treats yet. What do you think? I think I'm going to try the towel thing and see if that works.

 ::silly::  Please, do NOT chase your chin, that only frightens him and makes him NOT trust you.  You can give him a piece of the raisin, or give him dried papaya, or dried rose hips, an oyster cracker, mini wheat (not sugar coated), a Cherrio, a piece (1/8) of toast ... these are OK treats for even the little ones.  The "towel thing" is only used when bribery did not work and you are on a time limit to get him back in the cage.   I would suggest playing with him in the bathroom ... it will be much easier to corner him ... without having to chase him. 

... after much reading i had decided to let him out to play and instead of trying frantically to keep him from jumping on my bed or hiding in little spaces that id idnt want him in, i simply let him out and basically ignored him.. I come to the belief that he wanted me to get him in troublehe kept going to the usual "no no" places in the room and would stop and look at me.  I ignored him and read a book.  He ran up and jumped on me, this is when i was really convinced he was trying to get in trouble and was confused as to why i wasnt scolding him lol.  After he got the point that i wasn't going to care he came down and sat with me as i read my book and part of the time sat on my shoulder.. even took a nibble from the pages.  he also went into his cage willingly without any persuasion or bribery. i figure he just needed to get his exploration out of the way to calm down because no matter how many times i tried to keep him away from those places he would find his way with his little ninja moves.

Chinchillas are very smart ... the one thing they like above all else, is to be the center of attention - even if it's the bad attention.   They go to places they are not suppose to go to so that you will have to come and get them or fuss at them ... when you do that ... they know you are giving them your undivided attention.   :D   Once he found you were going to ignore him ... he figured he could get your attention by coming to you and share reading with you ... that's all he wanted ... to be given attention ... to share time with you ... when they get attention, they know they are loved, and will give love (and some cooperation) in return.    ::nod::

 ::howdythere::   Jo Ann

The daily playtime outside of a cage for your chinchilla is a time for you to spend with it, one-on-one, no distractions.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 09:07:25 AM by Jo Ann »
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Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« Reply #28 on: May 05, 2009, 08:22:36 PM »

thats exactly what i figured, i thought it was amazing how he went to the places he knows i use to chase him away from, stopped, and just starred at me.  at one point i was even stretched out on the floor and he ran up and jumped on my head and ran around me... as if to say, "HEY IM OVER HERE!!"  its crazy how smart these little critters are.


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Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« Reply #29 on: May 06, 2009, 11:30:14 AM »

LOL thats funny and yeah it is crazy how smart they are!
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