Hi Guys,
Soon I will be a grandma for the first time, we are all very excited here! It is now clearly looking like it'll be a multiple birth. I have talked to many breeders, and read whatever I have been able to find on the topic of pregnancy & birthing as well as helping kits in trouble!
OK, my question is for those of you who have had chinnie babies. Whether or not you have had to "help" mom and kits out or not, what are some items that are good to have around as just in case items? Some of you have helped me already earlier in the pregnancy and recently so I have already picked up many things to have on hand. Such as the canned powder kitten formula, teeny animal baby bottles from the pet store, a supply of freshly washed white towels & washcloths, q-tips, the little nasal bulb, plastic droppers, neosporin, etc.....
Please help me and those future first timers out there!!! I'd love a list of items and suggestions from you all out there who are more experienced.
What do you suggest having on hand..............
Her whelping cage is all set up and reading to go! I will put soft Carefresh bedding in it soon. My husband built her a pine wood hut. Is it OK to have it in the whelping cage? Or do we not do huts? I also have a couple of those thick cardboard chubes for kits to hide in. They are wider than a toilet paper tube so no getting stuck here Jo Ann!

Thanks everyone!