Caution: Feeding a chin through the bars of the cage may cause accidents! Chinchillas do not have good eye site. If your chin is use to being fed through the bars ... what will happen when someone sticks their finger through the bars just to pet it??? The chin, especially if the person has the smell of food on their hand, might just take a bite, thinking it is a treat!
Many of my chins love to push their little noses through the cage wires so that I can rub them. They seem to love this.
I never thought much about chinchilla tricks (because chins are so independent) until I saw this chin video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmrPUfZtr_0 This young lady must have spent many hours with her chin!
I have one chin that loves to talk to me. She will carry on a conversation for as long as I will stand and talk to her. She is very polite. I talk, when I stop, she starts chirping at me, when she stops, I talk, this is repeated over and over. She never butts in when I am talking and she keeps her side of the 'conversation' up by telling me every thing that she has to say. I just wish I could understand what she is saying.
Some chins love stuffed toys, or a hand puppet made from an old sock, others are content giving you a hair cut or a manicure with their sharp little teeth.
I love laying on the floor and letting them crawl all over me ... their whiskers tickle my nose and my ears.
If you are in slacks/jeans and set Indian style (legs crossed) most chins like to crawl over and through your legs.
If you have one of those long gowns, sit on the floor with your feet on the floor, knees bent and pull the gown over your bend legs ... they love to climb up and then slide down the front of your legs, just like a kid down a sliding board.
Some love to play peek-a-boo from behind their hut or bath house, others like to do back flips for you.

Like Dusty at:
http://www.luvnchins.com/VideoDustysFlips.html and Chubby at:
http://www.luvnchins.com/ChubbyAndFamily.html Each chin has it's own personality unique unto itself, no two are the same. You never know what one will come up with next.

Jo Ann