My female, Isabella, had two male kits about two weeks premature. They are now to a weight that I am sure they will be fine. Both seem to be healthy, straight teeth, good eye development, and no heart murmurs. The one is a cute fluffy little white mosaic. The other is kind of weird. His fur is black at the tips and white at the base and his belly is white, it's kind of long and a little wiry, and sticks straight up on his back like a mohawk! He is really very unattractive for a kit, which is suprising since his father was a color reserve champion ebony, and his mother is a quality white mosaic. Has anyone else ever seen anything like this? Do you think it could be due to his being a premie? Will it get better as he gets older? He has a very sweet personality. It just seems like he got the absolute worst genes he could get from each parent.