Chinchillas > South East USA

Bad Weather Yesterday


There was some horrible weather here with several tornados. The only thing that gets me, though, is in the national articles I have read. They seem to want to imply that the large number of deaths was due to ignorance because there were sirens and warnings. Yes, there was a warning in the days prior to the storms. In Memphis, the sirens were going off for hours. While this does serve its purpose by warning people, when people have been listening to these sirens for hours and it has been horrible storms with strong winds, people don't know what to expect. It seems as if they are trying to say, "hey dummies, you knew this was coming, so if you would have gotten off your behind you wouldn't be dead." It was a horrible experience for all that had to go through it. I don't think it is very respectful to those who lost loved ones, or those who lost their homes. I'm sorry for ranting, but I was appalled at what I was reading. I am so tired of Southerners being portrayed as ignorant. It is like they try to find the biggest morons they can to put on TV, to try to make southerners fall into that "dumb hick" catagory.

--- Quote ---Southerners being portrayed as ignorant.
--- End quote ---
You should here the crap about us Newfie's ::tickedoff::
That was such a sad storm, but I have to tell you we are not getting that idea from the news we are getting.
No one is coming across as stupid for not leaving, it was an act of God.
Depsite the cold we suffer I wouldn't trade it for those storms you have in the states.
When we get those powerful winds everything is already frozen in the ground so we don't get the damage.
I just can't imagine the horror of seeing a tornado coming at me. :::(((

My brothers were able to see a large one that destroyed some kind of factory. We got bad storms down here in MS that night, but they were nowhere near as bad. I couldn't sleep until the storm passed, though. I was scared after everything that happened in North MS and TN. I was up half the night. Storms terrify me!


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