Chinchillas > South East USA

Chinchilla Shows


Does anyone know when the next chin show will be in GA,SC,NC, or VA?  All that is up on the MCBA website is for PA & midwest shows... but "York" wasn't up so I was thinking that maybe all of the shows weren't posted there.  Thanks!

I've been pondering the answer to that same question. The pictures I've viewed from other shows look like a great learning experience, even for spectators-only like myself.  ::bouncyball::

There is usually a show in the fall.  Southeast Coastal Show.  We didn't have one last year because of conflicts getting a building, judge....and other things kept creeping up.

We were able to have a SC Field Day Show in October which went really well. 

Hopefully, this year a show will take place.

You can look on the MCBA website ( and the Empress ( website for show listings. 

Living in the south, there aren't many shows around.  If you want to go to a have to travel!

We went to the MCBA Nationals ....15 1/2 hours away~!

Yes... We  went to the field day show & all of our chins did amazing we had a 1st in the standard & the same chin was class reserve champ... we were so pleased.  I was just hoping that we could get more down here.  We need to find a way to do that.  I can't afford gas to travel all around.  GA,SC,TN, NC, VA would be great!!  We need to try something!


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