About three months ago, a friend of mine had a birthday, and he told me he wanted a pair of Dumbo rats (male). I bought him Merlin and Vortigen. A black male and a white male. Vortigen died, probably of starvation... And the said (x)friend told me he didn't particularly like Merlin so he thought he'd feed him to his snake...
My reaction?? OH HELL NO!! (Pardon my French) So I went and got him. His back is balding, he's skinny as heck... He downed a whole water bottle when I finally got him out of his tiny cage (he was almost as long as it is!!) and into the big one I bought him. And then he ate like he'd never seen food in his life. What little food he had I'm sure was given to him through the bars, so he's a finger eater... Until you actually get him out. Then he's sooooo cuddly!!
Tomorrow I'm going to hit up petsmart and get him a wood house and a ball to run around in... I wasn't counting on having any more rats, so I got rid of what I had for them... Stupid me. Everyone that knows me knows I can't resist animals of any kind...
Any way, here he is:

Sorry about all the codes... I wasn't sure which link was the one to use. So I used all of them. I'm the least computer savvy person I know. lol