At the last house I lived in there was a TINY gap on the bedroom door. I never thought anything of it and would let the Chinchillas out to play together without me in the room (Don't worry everyone, it was chin proofed!!! and the girls got along fantastically). Well I heard some commotion in the kitchen and I got up to see that my German Shepherd was watching something in the corner behind the fridge - I immediately went into panic mode and realized it must have been a Chinnie!!!!
I looked and here was Penny, just sittin' in the corner.
LUCKILY my German Shepherd didn't hurt her (she has some slobber on her though) - they are actually buds now. Penny sits near the door and Leila sits next to the cage and they touch noses. From time to time Leila mouths at Penny and Penny doesn't usually care - but Leila gets a scolding!
Lesson learned! I put up a baby gate in front of the door and blocked it even still with a towel.
I never realized how FLAT a Chinchilla can actually make themselves until that day!!! Unreal!