It could also be from her or one of the other chins chewing on her whiskers.
A little trick to get the use to using the flying saucer wheel ...
If the wheel is attached inside the cage, take a string and tie it around a favorite treat (like a raisin) ...
lower it down into the cage just above her reach ...
it needs to be positioned above the wheel and off to one side ...
(imagine the wheel as the face of a clock ... the treat should be in about the same area as the number 10 on a clock, if she is facing left OR about the #2 position if she is facing right)
If you keep it just out of reach, she will try to get it ... the only way to do that is to run ... it usually works for me

A 12 inch wheel will effect the spinal growth of your little one. Never use one smaller than 15 inches in diameter.

Jo Ann