Chinchillas are curious creatures and don't need much to make them happy. Love and attention is their biggest need. (after food and water)

The large toilet paper rolls (like you see in commercial bathrooms) are lots of fun for chins. I have one chin that has learned to walk on it and move it anywhere he wants it. (His favorite place is over to the "J feeder" for a bite to eat.) They will also curl up inside one and sleep in it.
The smaller toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls make cute toys to drag all over the cage. Sometimes you will even see a pair of siblings playing tug of war over the smaller rolls.
Bird toys are nice IF they do
not have
plastic on them (plastic is bad for a chin's digestive system) and IF they do
not have
aluminum on them (aluminum is a soft metal and will be eaten by a chin ... not good on the tummy!).
An empty Kleenex box, with the plastic removed, is often a good place for a chin to hide or sleep. Chinchillas feel safer in close quarters.

As Jamie said, make sure they are not ingesting to much of the paper these items are made of.
If you check out Lowe's or Home Depot, in the lumber department ... get an untreated pine board (1" x 2" x 4') and cut it into pieces (1" or 2" wide) for your chin to use as chews. If you do not have access to an electric saw, invest in a hand saw ... it will pay for itself in no time! The fancy wood chews you buy in the store are OK, if you have money to burn.

Your chin does not care how much you spend on the chews or the fact that he needs the chews for his teeth, he just knows he loves to chew on them.

Always keep a lava stone in the cage also. A chin's teeth are always growing and they must have the wood, hay and lava stone to keep the teeth worn down to the proper size.

Jo Ann