A few rules of thumb. {First remember that rules are guide lines ... they are not set in stone.}
#1 It is best to get a chinchilla from a reputable breeder, not a pet store. There are to many 'unknowns' about a petstore chinchilla.
#2 It's usually best to get two same-sex chins at the same time, chinchillas that have been housed together, siblings of the same sex, if possible.
{When someone gets two chins from me, I introduce them
before they ever leave me, if at all possible.}
#3 As a general rule, the longer a chinchilla is an 'only chin', the harder it is to introduce a new chin. Chinchillas have all the emotions humans have. Jealousy is among the most destructive of them.
#4 Generally there are 3 immediate results when introducing two strange chins to each other:
a. They immediately start playing or snuggling together. More than likely this is the way it will always be. It is a rare and very good match, usually.
b. They sniff each other and/or ignore each other. There is a fairly good possibility they will eventually get along.
c. They immediately start 'barking' at each other or start fighting. Rarely do these ever get along ... try a different combination.
You have to be the judge of how well they seem to be getting along, no one else can tell you that. You will be the responsible party as to what happens, depending on your judgement of the situation. You can not hope or force them together, it could lead to the death/disability of one or both.
Gus should not be lonely if you are spending enough one-on-one time with him, time with no other distractions. At least 30 minutes to an hour each and every day (without fail) + quick a "Hi, Gus!" each time you enter, go by, or leave the room. The one-on-one time needs to be on a daily schedule ... he will look forward to this time ... do not disappoint him.

Gus tried to assert his authority by jumping on felix ... I feel so sad and guilty about taking him back but Gus is my baby boy and i refuse to put him in harms way. Should i stick it out and just be slower about letting them play together? if they never get along i would prefer for felix to go back.
It sounds like you have already made up your mind.

But, if Gus jumped Felix, it is Felix I would be concerned about. Sounds like Gus started it. Maybe Gus does not want to share you.

Jo Ann
Hope this helps!