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Author Topic: The best way to intoduce 2 males?  (Read 11753 times)

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The best way to intoduce 2 males?
« on: July 25, 2006, 08:08:26 AM »

I have had Roo for close to a year now and I got another male to put with him almost a week ago. In the next few days I am going to let them play together and see how it goes. I was going to let them out in the bathroom together but I am wondering if it would be best if I put them in another cage I have. It is a good size cage that will not have there sent in it and I could put the PVC pipes in there for places to hide if need be. There cages have been side by side for a few days and at first Roo would make this really funny sound at him. Now the only time he pays any attention is when I an playing with him Roo will sit there and stare at us. Any advice you have will be great. I really don't want to do anything that will get them hurt.


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Re: The best way to intoduce 2 males?
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2006, 09:37:50 AM »

Are you doing a quarantine period? I am guilty of not quarantining before, but I am too worried to do that again. Most people quarantine for about 30 days. I think the best intros are done with playtime in a neutral area. :)
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Re: The best way to intoduce 2 males?
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2006, 10:51:36 AM »

Well to be honest I didn't even thing about that.  :doh: I got him from Jamie so I think everything will be fine as far as that goes. I have just never put 2 chins together. ::shrug:: I have read a lot about it but just asking to see what other people think.

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Re: The best way to intoduce 2 males?
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2006, 11:10:30 AM »

I have not had much luck with keeping males together in my little herd, but am always trying.
The best I've found is to let them bath together first. They love the bath so much it takes their mind off who else is in their. LOL They also would have much the same scent then too. A one time sprinkle of baby powder may help with the scent too.
That is after I'm sure they won't tear each other apart.
A sniff through the cage door will tell me that. Some just hate each other from the start.Those take much longer to get together, but I've had pairs like that and they ended up so much in love it was funny.
I also find if you have just the 2 they will get along at some point as they would rather have the company than be alone. With only one choice they tend to get along.
I would try them in the bathroom if you feel they at least will put up with each other.
They'll have a little more room to get away and you'll have some space to intervene.
If they are going to fight you'll know soon enough and you can stick with the side by side cages and keep trying the introductions.
It could take some trying and they may love each other from the start.
I quarantine for 2-4 weeks depends of the chin, but I make them mine before they get to fall in love with another chinchilla. ;) The new chin should trust you before you do any intros, it helps keep them from going into shock should the intro not go well.
Good luck and let us know.

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Re: The best way to intoduce 2 males?
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2006, 11:32:39 AM »

::silly::Regardless who you get your chin from .. always quarantine them for a period of time.  ::nod::

 I got one from a major breeder I had purchased from many times ... that breeder told me, this chin was a new buy for the herd and was not one of the original ones they breed.  I kept it quarantined, like I always do ... regardless where it comes from ... 5 days later (4 days and 3 nights at the vets & a $700+ vet bill) it was dead ... it was replaced, but, IF I had put it in with the others, I could have lost part, if not all of my herd.  It was highly contagious and as a safety precaution, eventhough it was never near the rest of my chins ...  I did not sell another chin until the max quarantine time ... 9 months ... just to make sure all of mine were OK. The quarantine/gestation time for the stomach wart, caused by an air-born virus ... is 9 weeks to 9 months before it might appear.  As far as we have been able to find out, it had never before been seen in chinchillas.   None of mine became ill, but I spent 9 months of nerve-racking days wondering if I might have accidentally carried it from the sick chin to my chins. This was several years ago.  It was a huge relief when all were still very healthy after the quarantine period.

   I normally quarantine for 30 to 60 days, regardless of where it comes from.    ::nod::

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Re: The best way to intoduce 2 males?
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2006, 09:44:47 PM »

I didn't know you were to quarantine but as to introducing them you just have to put them in the room together and see what happens all chins are different and have different personalities I joined this chin site after I got Snowball my second and was told that he was greedy but he is not he is very generous with Buddy L and Buddy L with Snowball they hit it off from the start now they are inseparable I just threw them in the same room and cage together before they even saw each other :doh: now they groom each other and feed each other I caught them the other day handing food to each other one would jump down to the food and grab 2 pellets and jump up and give the other pellet to his friend and then the other would jump down and grab 2 pellets and give that to his friend it was soo cute I should go buy a camcorder and set it up to watch them day and night
you just have to be there to supervise for a couple hours
now they stick together like glue see
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Re: The best way to intoduce 2 males?
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2006, 09:19:37 AM »

I know a lot of people don't quarantine, but it is a good idea. From what I have read, you don't alway need to quarantine against health problems, it also gives your new chin time to adjust to your house. I can't remember where I read this, but I have heard that every herd of chins will have a different gut bacteria (good bacteria) they need that quarantine period to adjust their levels to the appropriate bacteria amount for your home.
I am not quite sure if I phrased that correctly... JoAnn, Jamie, Debbie?? Anyone that might be able to explain that a little better than I am. LOL  ::silly::
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Re: The best way to intoduce 2 males?
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2006, 09:22:05 AM »

What a great picture!  They are both beautiful chins  ::nod::

Out of "25" chins I only have 2 males that are housed together and they love each other very much.  However they came to me this way as rescues that had been abandoned out in the cold of winter.  
I do have several females housed together and have never had any problems at all.
I have tried on occasion over the years to introduce 2 males or let 2 males play together and EVERY time we have ended up at the emergency animal hospital to have finger/toe and nose surgery from serious bites.   :doh:
 Now this most likely has something to do with the fact I do have females in the same room.  So, I haven't tried it in a  long time and never will again!  
If you don't have any females you may not have a problem, but be very cautious and supervise!  I would think introducing 2 very young males would be easier.  Sometimes the one year olds can be set in their ways.
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Re: The best way to intoduce 2 males?
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2006, 09:36:30 AM »

Thank for all the info. I will be sure to quarantine if I ever get anymore.

For the first 3 days I had him across the room from Roo and then I moved his cage beside Roo's. He is doing really good. He was already friendly when I got him and after about 30 mins in his new cage he was already at the door begging for attention. The only time he seemed to get scared was when my little boy was in the kitchen and he dropped a glass. It made a really loud noise and he took of and got in his PVC pipe, but other than that he has been great.

I think I have decided to name him Buddy. Every time I am playing with him I call him my little buddy so I guess that will be his name.


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Re: The best way to intoduce 2 males?
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2006, 11:59:28 AM »

I think I have decided to name him Buddy. Every time I am playing with him I call him my little buddy so I guess that will be his name.
that is a good name what is the name of you other one?

my standard grey's name is Buddy L that was the name he had before me and I named my pink white Snowball
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Re: The best way to intoduce 2 males?
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2006, 04:40:38 PM »

I heard that if you introduce a baby male to an adult male they are more likely to bond. I don't know if that's true.

We have decided that Cheech is a boy but we haven't actually checked. When we do we want to get him a same sex companion, so for the sake of easiness it would be good if he was actually a she. However if he is a male, is getting a baby a good idea?

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Re: The best way to intoduce 2 males?
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2006, 04:22:27 PM »

I just started letting a new kit play with his sibling from the last litter, same parents, both standard males.To my surprised the older kit acted just like the females do. Almost look him in his arms and groomed the daylights out of him. He was so excited that younger kit was getting upset. I had to take him out after just a few minutes the first time.
My daughter is finding that with her new addition. The older gals are just too rough with the younger kit. She lets them play but as I am doing she is waiting until these young'ens get a bit older and bigger.
On the quarantine ?????
What if you take back one of your own kits after say 6-12 months, should you still quarantine?
Would it have been kept as a single or with others make a difference?

Jo Ann

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Re: The best way to intoduce 2 males?
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2006, 09:16:19 AM »

::silly::Hi All!

to introducing them you just have to put them in the room together and see what happens all chins are different and have different personalities ... you just have to be there to supervise for a couple hours

You were EXTREMELY LUCKY most chinchillas will not get along that well, that quickly.  Yes, all chinchillas have different personalities BUT ... sometimes PERSONALITIES MAY CONFLICT ... when they do, they can fight to the death.  Your situation was the exception to the normal rule.  ::)  When I put two together in the same cage, even if they have gotten along during play time, I watch them for 6 to 8 hours.

I have heard that every herd of chins will have a different gut bacteria (good bacteria) they need that quarantine period to adjust their levels to the appropriate bacteria amount for your home.

Don't know ... that's another one I'll have to research on.  Anyone else remember that and/or where it came from?  (so I won't keep my nose in books for the next week.   rofl
They do need time to adjust to the new surroundings, regardless.  Chins do not like change. (they're like us ole fogies)
That is why you have to get food from the breeder and mix it slowly over a week to 10 days to change him over.
Find out what treats they are use to getting.  When giving them a new one ... give it and only it (as a treat) for a week to make sure it is not going to play havoc with it's digestive system and/or to make sure he/she is not allergic.  Yep, it is rare, but true, they can have allergic reactions ... unfortunately, if severe, it can die in less than an hour. 
You have to keep the little ones emotions and feelings in mind constantly.  Would you want some giant steal you away, put you in a house with a bully or some one that would get on your every nerve?  Not knowing where to turn for comfort?

I have tried on occasion over the years to introduce 2 males or let 2 males play together and EVERY time we have ended up at the emergency animal hospital to have finger/toe and nose surgery from serious bites.   
Now this most likely has something to do with the fact I do have females in the same room. ... If you don't have any females you may not have a problem, but be very cautious and supervise!  I would think introducing 2 very young males would be easier.  Sometimes the one year olds can be set in their ways.
True.  But regardless of age, the personalities of the two chins will do the most to decide if they can live together in harmony ... at least until a female is introduced into the home. (Even if it is caged separately.)

The only time he seemed to get scared was when my little boy was in the kitchen and he dropped a glass. It made a really loud noise and he took of and got in his PVC pipe, but other than that he has been great.
Chinchillas love peace and startle very easily ... he was scared.

I heard that if you introduce a baby male to an adult male they are more likely to bond. I don't know if that's true.
Usually, but not always and NO if there is a female in the room.   A male chinchilla has been known to kill his own sons over a female, even if they have been in the same cage for a long time.

We have decided that Cheech is a boy but we haven't actually checked.  When we do we want to get him a same sex companion, so for the sake of easiness it would be good if he was actually a she. However if he is a male, is getting a baby a good idea?
:doh: I think I would make sure before I add another chin in the same cage.  If there is no space between the front and back privates, it should be a female ... if there is a little space between them, then it should be a male.   NEVER put a female in with a male unless she is old enough to breed.  I do not put my females in breeding until they are at least a year old.

I just started letting a new kit play with his sibling from the last litter, same parents, both standard males.To my surprised the older kit acted just like the females do. Almost look him in his arms and groomed the daylights out of him. He was so excited that younger kit was getting upset. I had to take him out after just a few minutes the first time.
This is not unusual, I have seen kits except other kits when the parents would not.

On the quarantine ??
What if you take back one of your own kits after say 6-12 months, should you still quarantine?
Would it have been kept as a single or with others make a difference?

DEFINITELY ... You want to  protect the chins that you now have ... you do not know if the one that was adopted was exposed to anything or not.
I would keep it in a cage to itself, in another room, for a period of time.

My daughter is finding that with her new addition. The older gals are just too rough with the younger kit. She lets them play but as I am doing she is waiting until these young'ens get a bit older and bigger.
How many of the chins are in the same cage and what ages?

Jo Ann  [/i]
« Last Edit: July 31, 2006, 09:18:30 AM by Jo Ann »
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Re: The best way to intoduce 2 males?
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2006, 11:17:39 AM »

Thanks Jo Ann,
that looked like a lot of work, lots of great answers.
My daughter has 3 females from Dec.05 and Jan.06.
The new kit was just 9 weeks when she took her 2 weeks ago.
I have her sister here, but have found another smaller calmer female to place her with.
2 of my daughters chins love her just way to much,while one is not fussy on her being in their cage.
She is letting them run together but keeping the newbie in her own cage until she gets big enough to take care of herself, should the others get too rough.

I find the tiny kits get so mad when the larger ones are steady grooming, and ya know OOOOing and awwwing over them. ;D
Like Mom does that to me all day, can't I just run and play now? ::silly::

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Re: The best way to intoduce 2 males?
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2006, 09:51:31 PM »

::silly::Hi Debbie,

2 of my daughters chins love her just way to much ... the tiny kits get so mad when the larger ones are steady grooming

 ::gossip:: There is a silver lining in every cloud!   |hugs| These two are letting you know that when they do become mommies, they will take good care of their own kits.   ::thumbsup::

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