okay Jo Ann,
Are you insulting the lifestyles of my chinchilla and I???
All chinchillas are different!
Mine likes carrots, yours may not. mine likes fruit loops, yours may like potato chips, I don't know!
all i'm saying is that Maxie is COMPLETELY different.
Chinchillas like anything they can get their little teeth into and try to eat ... even electrical cords that are pluged in ... but that would kill them.
I am not insulting your lifestyle ... I would love to be on a farm ... I spent allot of time on one when I way young and loved it!
I am not insulting the chinchilla's life style, I am concerned for it's life, because of the 'life style' you have given it. I am wondering why you did not make sure you could properly care for them before you got them. That is the responsible thing to do.
Chinchillas are an exotic animal not a domestic animal. All the other animals you named that you have are domesticated and over the years and generations become accustom to things humans eat and do and they do not have the delicate stomach and system chinchillas do.
Chinchillas are different as in each has it's own personality and temperament. But all chinchillas come from the same ancestors ... they are all made the same way, have the same digestive systems and nutritional needs. They are new to the pet world ... many people do not know how to care for them ... that is why they come here and to other forums.
But when you have someone trying to help you by telling you how to care for them properly and you come back with the attitude
well, she has lived 1-and-a-half-years on those vegetables....
we believe she is very happy...
How can someone help you?
Yes, she may like the fresh fruits, frootloops, saltines, etc. but that does
not mean it is good for her. I'm astonished she's still alive with that diet. We care about the chinchilla's welfare. We spend untold hours on here giving and getting information so that the chinchillas can be happy and
healthy ... and that means every chinchilla.
Children would love to have cake, ice cream, pies, cookies and junk food ...
but that does not mean it is good for them.
Is there anything that is good for chins at wal-mart?
Yes, hay and some WalMarts carry Mazuri Chinchilla Pellets, or so I am told.
Thank you chinchillagrl! that is what I'm wanting to hear! i'll take some advice from you.... What food would you suggest?
(I'm not just asking chinchillagrl, I would like everyone to have a say )
A quote from California Chins Web site ... they are a research center for chinchillas ... so you won't think it is just me saying it ...
Chinchillas are vegetarians, primarily grass and seed eaters. They will eat alfalfa or hay. I recommend that you find out what type of hay is available for your local horse community, and get good hay from them ... alfalfa is the best as it has more leaf and less stem, and is richer than Timothy hay which is a favorite of breeders. Feed fresh pellets, and if the only really fresh is guinea pig or rabbit, then that is ok. My standard food mix is equal parts Manna Pro Show Rabbit Pellets, calf manna, and equine senior. I mix enough for a couple of weeks, adding 1 tablespoon human grade wheat germ oil and flax seed oil to 3 cups basic pellets. I mix well add the rest of the pellets ... I mix this up and give 4 oz per chinchilla per day plus hay. With the oil it must be refrigerated and not kept more than a few weeks. Extra pellets are frozen to decrease spoilage. They can get stale. ... Be careful however, they have a tender digestive system and can get diarrhea from too many treats... When in doubt err on the side of hay and lots of it. Give them a little salt block and a few pressed alfalfa blocks. Since their teeth keep growing, they need lots of good gnawing material. A pumice stone is great. Various woods are also good, such as pine, apple and manzanita. Avoid woods like fir, spruce, plum or redwood. We also believe in giving some other supplements which you will find under health/supplements. I frequently treat the chewable vitamins as daily treats, and they will eat Vitamin C and enjoy it as much as they do other sweets. You can give each type of pellets separately. However, whatever you give should be fresh and not stale or spoiled. Smell your pellets periodically to be sure they are still fresh.
Anyways, we cannot buy any of those food products because we have many other animals to care for aswell the chinchilla.
If this statement is true, why are you even asking what to feed them?
When you make a statement like the one above ... it seems to be saying 'you can tell me, but I'm going to do what I please anyway.' That may not be what you mean, but it sure is how you come across.
When you ask for help, don't come with an attitude. 
Jo Ann [/i]