So glad to meet you Jeannette.
Addictive aren't they.

Glad your looking at all the options of acquiring new chinchillas.

I offer to take back all my babies, and over 8 years I just had mt second one come back.
They live so long and folks lives change so much, many times it's a good thing they were put up for adoption.
I sold a little guy last year, and the gals Mom wasn't satisfied she was doing a good job an taking care of. I commended her for bringing him back.
The daughter did play with it, but cage cleaning and over treating was a definite issue.
It was not bathed enough for a well handled chin either, and seems about 150 grams under weight.
I'm sure there are a couple of chins just waiting for you to come along, and will show you so much gratitude your heart will fill.
I find I bond just a little deeper with those special animals.