#1 Most bug men have no earthly idea what reaction a chinchilla will or can have to bug spray ... of any kind. I would notify the company and let them know you are going to take your chin to the vet and will hold them responsible for whatever happens to E should the vet say that the spray is the problem. If they are any good at all, they should be more than willing to cover the vet bill, if the vet states E's problem was caused by the spray. The man that did the spraying was representing the company he works for, there fore, they should be responsible since he told you it would not harm your chinchilla.
But, for future reference: If a liquid is sprayed, spilt or painted on as it dries, there will be fumes in the air from the substance. Some fumes are harmless (such as water vapor), but a bug spray is used to kill bugs ... it is poisonous ... therefore the fumes are poisonous. If the man doing the spraying did not know this, the company should have informed him of it.
If a chinchilla has a seizure, and you want to protect it from hurting itself during the seizures, I would suggest lining the bathtub with quilts and laying it inside the padded bathtub to protect it. Stay with it and do not leave it.
Allowing your chin/chins to run loose on the floor or at floor level where the spraying was done is only making the problem worse & exposing it not only to the fumes, but to also possibly allowing the poison to enter the chinchilla's body through it's feet/paws and mouth, as well as the lungs.
He needs to see a vet ... in the meantime, I would clean the bottom of the feet and paws with alcohol and get both of them out of the house you are now in, until it can be completely aired out ... windows open and fan going ... then mop, scrub and clean the areas where the bug spray was sprayed. I would give them Pedialyte in place of the regular water. I would get the small, single serving sizes Gerber puts out for babies. Once the bottle is open, the pedialyte looses it's potency after 24 hours and is no longer good. Gerber puts out the apple flavored for babies ... chinchillas seem to love this.
He needs to be in a separate cage from the other chin ... IF he has gotten any of the poison on his skin or fur, it could be transferred to the other chin if it grooms him.
Do not let any of the chins run loose until all of the spray has been cleaned/scrubbed away.
Since you got him out and put him on the floor ... where things got even worse ... he probably thinks you did this to him. In his place, I would be afraid, too. I have had seizures, they are painful (during and after the seizure), and not only "scary", but down right terrifying ... you have no control over what is happening and you do not know what is happening to you ... I am sure he is very frightened!
If he is normally playful, but is not now, that is a sign he is still sick. Please get him to a qualified exotic pet vet a.s.a.p.
May I ask what reason he could not be taken to the vet when he was having seizures?
Jo Ann