Congratulations Peeka & Pooka!!
I put one of those tub things in there for her and the kit.
What tub thing are you talking about?
1) It's best not to let them take a dust bath within 36 to 48 hours before delivery, but hopefully, there is not enough dust bath dust left in her fur to cause a problem. Do make sure they (mom and kit) do NOT get a dust bath until day 10.
2) I have heard, but not tried, raspberry leaves to get the milk flowing.
3) Keep plenty of fresh water up for her ... she'll need it for producing the milk.
4) How tall is the bottom half of the cage?
5) Are there any shelves on the bottom half of the cage?
6) With Peeka in the top, you do realize he will be peeing and dropping poop on mom and kit, don't you? I would do something to put a solid divider between the two of them and him.
7) When one is pregnant and/or nursing, I usually feed Alfalfa hay instead of Timothy or half and half ... the Alfalfa hay is higher in nutrients.

What is the size of the wire the cage is made of? (distance between the wires in both directions)

Jo Ann