#1 Only a vet can tell you for sure and it does need to be checked, if for no other reason, your peace of mind.
What you describe could mean the beginning of many problems or the end result of several.
I just got through with one similar to what you describe.
With chin in hand the licenced exotic pet vet had to:
1. Check the eye visually ...
a. eye opening slightly larger than 1/2 the opening of the other eye
b. no sign of pus, redness, blood or open wound
c. but what looked like a
tiny bit of swelling just below the eye
d. a
slight loss of fur about 1/8" wide just below the eye
e. the eye itself looked ever so
slightly foggy
2. He examined the teeth with a lighted scope similar to a miniature scoop that allowed him to see the rear molars without expanding her mouth to wide.
a. the color of the teeth were a perfect yellow-orange
b. the length of the teeth were good
c. the alignment of the teeth were perfect, front and back
{BIG sigh of relief - no signs of malocclusion!}
3. He then did a die stain exam of the and found
a. no ulceration of the eye
b. no tumors or cyst
c. no lacerations
4. He did find:
a. scar tissue probably from an old scratch or injury that had built up over time
b. she is blind or partially blind in that eye due to the fact part of the iris is not exposed to the light
c. the eye is slightly dryer than normal
As a safety precaution we are treating the eye with a topical antibiotic 3 x a day for 10 days.
During the 10 days, she will not be allowed to have a dust bath.
She will need eye drops 3 x a day forever, to avoid chances of infection by anything that might get into the eye.
We were extremely lucky that it was nothing very serious, BUT, it could have become serious, if she had not gone to see the vet.
Without having the daily eye drops that she will need from now on, the eye could have been open to lots of complications.
Because I did go and will make sure the eye is taken care of daily, she should have no problems.

When in doubt ... check it out!

Jo Ann
PS Take your check book ... that visit cost me $108 ... I feel lucky it was not more.