Please, a chinchilla's lungs are very small and very sensitive ... never use a bedding or a dust bath that contains added fragrances, scents or odor controllers ... these can, and usually will, cause a chin to get an inflammation of the lungs or chemical pneumonia. This stuff can kill a chinchilla.
Blue cloud is the best dust bath I have ever used and I do recommend it.

I've never tried blue sparkle, but have heard some good things about it.

Chinchillas have allergies, like many humans. Allergies to the different scents used in cologne, perfumes, room deodorizers, sented sprays/aerosols and cleaners are among the most common that can cause a chinchilla problems, and in some cases kill them.
What happened to your other chinchilla? Do you know why it died?
I would dispose of all the stuff that belonged to the first chinchilla that can not be sanitized for the new chin to use. Just my opinion.

Jo Ann