Hi all,
I miss the club so much and had to drop in to let ya'll know I'm still around.
I've been dealing with a plate full as follows;
My Dad ended up in hospital in late Oct and has been there ever since. He had his toes off 7 years ago and a plastic vein put in his leg. In Oct the vein failed and they tried taking one from his good leg, but he only got 2 weeks out of it when they had to remove his left leg from just below the knee. A severe infection caused deep holes in the stump that they are still trying to get closed so he can go to rehab and have a prosthetic fitted. Looks like that will take another couple of months.
Trying to keep his laundry done, meals in to him,{the slop at the hospital is not fit to eat} and visiting just about everyday, plus taking care of Colby in this weather is taking the good and any spare time out of me.
My hubby has not been well either and they are running all kinds of tests on him. It just takes so long to get appointments.Most of it is from arthritis in his cspine but they have to make sure before they do anything.
I also lost an uncle just before Christmas, and my Grandmother last month. I posted about her when Colby was born as he made 5 generation. Now we are back to 4. It was a celebration of her life as she was 98 years old.
I've moved my pc down stairs to try and keep up with my own life. I hope to get more time on line and catch up on ye all.
On top of all that I still have my chins to care for, though I have separated all but 2 pairs for now.
I have to get out now a shovel a bit before I go to Colby's .
Hope to catch up here over the next couple of days.
Missing all your chin chatter