I know the big thing is to not allow things to fall on our beloved fur chins...my husband shakes his head when I was concerned with the glass loaf dish even though I tried to fit it in the hole...and it wouldn't go down...As to how they could get it up over the lip of the access hole to begin with...sure if they decided to move it around...they would be slidding it right? I'm not sure since they've not moved their litter pan and so I've not seen this moving of items in a cage...there is a lip around the access hole. And he said he just didn't see the chin's muscles being that strong to chuck it up and over the lip...
Is he correct...Or can the chins flip something up over the lip of this access hole to the lower part of the cage. It's a bass equipment tray...
http://www.bassequipment.com/Cages/Ferret+Pans/default.aspxOur metal pans are heavy-duty, 26 gauge galvanized steel with smooth, rolled edges for strength and safety

Am I being paranoid?
Also I've seen them scoot the PVC elbow[schedule 40 I think he said it was] that I used to keep up there...but I've never seen them raise it off the ground. Basically they are running and slid into it...and it will scoot a few inches...My husband thinks I need to put it back on the tray due to I removed it from the top area of the cage. My son wants it back on...for Fluffy loved sleeping in there...So everyone disagrees with my choice of removing it. What's your thoughts?