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Author Topic: Hi, chinchilla lover  (Read 1943 times)

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Hi, chinchilla lover
« on: May 05, 2009, 07:15:58 AM »

HI everyone, I'm new here.  I have two wonderful chinchillas called Maurice and Sebastian (Seebass for short.)  I used to own a very old Chinny which we called Murphy.  He was a rescue from my Mother in law who had him in a tiny,bare cage and never gave him any exercise.  His fur was matted from where he had been leaning against his water bottle and because he was kept by the front door, got wet when the door was open and the rian blew in.

We took him in, purchased a bigger cage and Maurice for some company.  At the ripe old age of 18 murphy sadly passed away last March :'( He is sorely missed.  I saw evidence that chinnys do mourn because Maurice looked bereft, went off his food for three days and hardly moved.  He was standing guard over Murphys body when I found him the next morning.

We purchased Seebass last september as an 8 week old kitten.  It took Maurice a long time to get used to him and accept him.  We used to keep them in separate cages and let them out for a run around together every evening.  Initially Maurice was terrified of the newcomer and refused to go near the inquisitive youngster, fleeing back to his cage at the very sight of him.  However they now share a cage and are the best of friends.  Nowadays it's Maurice who is the adventurous one and likes being handled.

Does anyone know how to train chinchillas?  This is what I want to do next but I don't know where to start.

Jo Ann

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Re: Hi, chinchilla lover
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2009, 09:50:15 AM »

 ::silly::   Chinchillas usually train themselves.  They are very smart and love attention.  The desire for attention or a particular treat is often the thing that gets him to do what you want him to do.   Any time they do something you like ... praise him!  Coax him into things with a treat (or a piece of a treat ... you don't want to over do the treats).  Call him by name constantly, so that he will respond to his name. 

Repetition, love, praise and attention are the ways chins learn to do what you want them to do.  But, do keep in mind that they only do what they want to do. 

Also keep in mind they love to please their owners ... so you do have the advantage ... or so the chin wants you to think you do ... who's to say who is teaching who?     :D

To each action, there is a reaction.   ::nod::   Keep them all positive!

 ::wave::  Jo Ann
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