was wondering what food/litter/toys are good ones to get. Right now its eatting purna kitten dry food. My boyfriend wants to give it the caned wet food. We also want to give it milk but my friend said thats not good for them but I could get kitty milk at the pet store or lacktonce interrlent milk. I'm sure what kind of litter I have, its the kind that doesn't clumb and you can flush it.
A mixture of wet and dry would be good ... they need the dry to chew on so that it's teeth stay clean ... this also helps get the digestive juices in it's system going.
If you want to give it some milk, I would use the kitty nursing/supplemental milk ... you can get it in a powder form ... more economical and lasts much longer ... you mix it with water as you need it ... and it can be given warm or cold.
Kitty litter ... careful on that one ... if you get one that has odor controllers in it ... make sure the chins are never where they can get into the litter box ... clean it frequently! The flushable kind is good, just make sure you flush it with each scoop ... you don't want to stop it up.

You might want to purchase a door mat or a piece of carpet to go under the cat litter ... this is so that when the cat steps out of the litter box, the pieces of litter will be deposited on the platform instead of the carpet in the other rooms.

I got him yesterday and last night he slept in bed with us. I'm getting a cat bed from my cousion tom.
Bad start ... it will continue to want to sleep in the bed with y'all. I would suggest putting an item of clothing, one you or he has worn, in the new cat bed ... this will put your scents on the new bed and make the kitten feel more comfortable/secure in it.

If it starts crying at night ... get a windup clock that makes a ticking noise and place it under the padding in the cat bed.
If you can find one of those plastic toys that are round and flat, they have a scratch thingy in the center and a bright ball that rolls around the groove that is on the outer part of it. Sorry I can't think of the name of it ... it's been to many years ago ... but I always had one with every cat I owned ... they are funny when they are playing with it. they bat the ball around the grooved circle, then try to catch it as it comes back around. A little catnip sprinkled in the center part will keep their attention for a long time.
Don't place a chair or couch up against the window ... they will use it for a perch and sharpen their claws on it ... shredding the material it is made of.
If you want to let it set in the window (It will even if you don't want it to.), you may want to think about a perch that can be placed in/on the window ledge ... and make sure no curtains are draped over/around the perch or it will use the curtains to climb up to the window.
When you move into the new apartment ... set up the cat litter ... when you walk in the apartment with the cat for the first time ... take it straight to the litter box and set it in the litter box ... it will keep going back to it when it needs to go to the potty ... if you just set him down anywhere the first time you take him into the new apartment ... that's where he's going to use the bathroom ... anywhere.
Please do NOT get him/her any little mouse toys or stuffed animals ... he will not make a difference between them and the chinchillas, should one or both of them get loose.
Just a few of the things I've learned with cats over the years.

Jo Ann