My mom said the other day that my dad mentioned that i'm always over at Dan's that i'm going to be wanted to live with him. I think He kinda knows.
True ... but hearing it being said out loud, by "his little girl", may not be as easy to take than just thinking it, no matter how much he may expect it.

My cousion's wife sugested that I tell my dad that i'm thinking of moving in with Dan and see what his reactions are and give it time to soak in.
That might be a good idea ... if he has to hear it from you, baby steps may be the best path.

Now, here comes the parent in me ... Food for thought ... just think about this ... don't answer it ...

Living together without being married has it's perks and it's bottomless pits.
1) It keeps the legal profession out of it ... you get the keep your money instead of giving it to an attorney

... but

... often the not wanting to 'go through a divorce thing' makes people willing to work a little harder to make a relationship work. Marriage is a commitment not just to eachother, but a covenant with God. Just being able to walk out does make it easier on the person that wants to leave ... but, what about the person that really wants it to work?
At first glance, the 'living together' may seem to be an easy way in, but it is also an easy way out ... or is it? Would one or both of you constantly be on edge (way back in the back of your mind), because you know how easy it would be for you to say the heck with it and just walk out, OR would it make each of you more on edge, because you know the other one also knows it's just as easy for them to be able to do so, as it is for you?
2) Who's name is the lease of the apartment, utilities, phone, cable, etc. going to be in? If it's going to be in only one name ... that person has the upper hand ... or do they ... I hope they can pay all the expenses with what they alone make, because they could have to do so ... if the other one leaves.
3) And then, there is this "in trouble" thing. How would your boyfriend react to "Honey, we're going to have a baby." Would it be joy or "Get rid of it ... I'm not ready for that yet." Accidents do happen ... the only foolproof method is abstinence ... living together does not promote abstinence.

You might want to test him on the subject ... pop out with that statement ... just to see how he would react. Is he really who you think he is?
4) Getting married is 'old fashion' ... true ... but ... when it is with the right one ... it's wonderful ... if it's not ... it's ... well, we won't go there. I've experienced both. So, how are you suppose to know if it is or not? Is that what the 'living together' is suppose to answer? Not really, because the commitment just is not there, don't fool yourself into thinking it is there. As long as you both know, all you have to do is walk out the door and close it behind you ... there is no real commitment and you are "just playing house" and playing with fire.
Just my thoughts (and experiences) on the subject. Oh, and the "I'm not ready for that." was not a boyfriend, but was my first husband, when I got pregnant
after we were already married ... that's why he is a "was" ... and not an "is".

Don't think he's changed much ... he's on his 4th or 5th marriage now.

I wish you all the luck and love life has to offer, along with the advice that you must be able to accept each other as you are, keep communications open, never take the other one for granted, and always to remember to do something special (no matter how small it is), that says "I love you" each and every day.
Love Life Counselor's Office is now closed.

Jo Ann