You all know the story of my little 3 legged chinchilla, Charlie, that came in through our rescue program. His cage is at the end of my bed so every night I open the door and he is free to run around in the bed while I watch TV. Well, for some reason Charlie has suddenly become fasinated with my husband. Its not enough that he can climb all over him, but now he wants to sit on his pillow and groom his hair or sit right on his chest and stare at him. And I mean which his face less than an inch away from my hubby's face! It is hilarious!!! And my poor hubby who just doesn't understand chinnie love the way I do is terrified that charlie is going to eat him! It is so funny. So now as soon as Charlie jumps onto his lap my hubby is out of the bed!
And poor Charlie is leaning over the edge as far as he can without actually falling off to try to get to my hubby. It is the funniest thing to watch.
I love nighttime at my house!