Chinchillas > South East USA

South Carolina Show...Who is interested?

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A few years ago I hosted a chinchilla show here is Walterboro, SC with Ralph Shoots as a judge.  I have been approached about possibly hosting another one.  I wanted to post this topic to see if there would be enough interest to pursue this.  It would be held in Walterboro, SC again and we are looking at sometime in October.  Who is interested and how many animals would you think you would show?

Jo Ann:
 ::silly::   Unless something happens between now and then to change it ... we'll be there with 4 to 10 chinchillas.    ::fruit::

Bill said since we have to miss the one in Helen, GA this week that we'll try hard to make the next one.   :::grins::

 ::howdythere::  Jo Ann

 I would be very interested in attending and getting more knowledge about chinchillas. I only have 2 as pets right now, but I was disappointed not to be able to go to the show in Ga this weekend(high school graduation activities for daughter and nephew). Hopefully I could make the October gathering. I'd really like to network with some of the folks in the area for information,supplies, support, etc.

Jo Ann:
 ::silly::    Please keep in mind that shows and field days take time to plan ... to make one a possibility for October ... the information needs to be given to Jamie now or a.s.a.p.   If you think you would like to attend, or have and intrest in participating, please let her know.  This is not a commitment, but a show of intrest in possibly attending.

Most of us know when we have doctor's appointments, company plans, and other events going on ... if October is already busy or you can not travel that far ... you probably know that already.  Those of you who would like to attend a show like the last one Jamie had ... try to make tentative plans now ... and let Jamie know you are interested!  For those who made it last time ... you know we had a ball! 

For those who did not make it ... check out these URL's:

 ::wave::  Jo Ann

there wasnt a show in GA it was a chapter meeting. If there was a show in october i know several of us from NC will be there with a good handful to show. i myself will have about 16 to show. if there is anything we could help with i know we will be more then willing to lend a hand. right now we are planning on attending the show in NY but would rather stay closer to home.


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