The picture you posted of him really shows what kind of personality he has ... playful and full of mischief!
Getting a chinchilla from a good breeder is much better than getting one from a pet store. As a general rule, here in the USA, a pet store rarely has all the information and background of their chinchillas and you have no one to help educate you on how to care for them. Most stores don't even know the birth date of the chinchillas they are selling or where they came from. Most pet store chinchillas come from a distributor that purchases chinchillas from various breeders, puts them all together (separating males and females) and pulls them out at random to deliver to individual pet stores.
She is a VERY nice lady and was kind and patient enough to answer my 10 million questions.
Sounds like you did find a good breeder.
Pictures of the bridges, please. We love to share ideas with each other.

Jo Ann