i know i havent been around in a while. i recently got hired on as a manager for a book store so that been filling my time along with going to school full time. at some point at the end of the year(2008) i bought a herd from a close friend. including most of her original herd. it took my numbers from 15 to 40. not including kits. so far this year we had 23 kits with several females pregnant. so here are some of our favorite kits so far.
V14 (i know 2008 but i loves him) Hank aka Hank the Tank (bv) . born to our Annie Lee (monster of a BV) and Sugar (std) weighed in at 66g

X1-Eleanor aka Elea (White Sapphire) born to Duke (ws) and Duchess (s)

(i had a strike of standards born about this time)
X8-Roy (std)missing part of his ear .born to Joker (bv) and Sam(std) Sam was the mother to several Rev. GS

X9- Soy Joy (std) born to Spice (std) and Cujo (bv) she is the last daughter of our beloved Cujo before we lost him to a very bad case of bloat. he threw his BV gene like none other and it sorta broke my heart that soy joy came out a std. she is a mini cujo in the making.

X12-Malk (mos) Born to our Sari (pw) and House (std) his little guy came out looking like a standard with a white tail. he is now mostly white with a massive black butt spot.

X14-Hyette (bv) born to our Annie Lee (bv) and Sugar (std) full sister to Hank the Tank and she is just so loveable unlike her mother. she plan on keeping her hence the special name.

X15-18 Sapphire Females born to Duke and Duchess (one was a still born)

X20-22 Puck and Philos (mos) born to Puddin' (mos) and Thyme (std) this litter led us to figure out that Puddin' only breeds to his females once a year and only to one female. both boys look alike so only one pic.

this is only a hand ful of our kits. a more complete list and pics can be found at my website
www.lilsugarchinchillas.com under kits. enjoy!