Hi! Welcome to the Chinchilla Club Forum! {

And soon ... to the Wonderful World of Chinchillas!

Air conditioning is a MUST for chinchillas that live in an area where it reaches 75 degrees or above. I'm a former Tennessean also.
Please do try to get one from a
good breeder, rather than a pet store. Pet store employees usually know little about the chinchillas they sell. As a general rule, they do not know how to properly care for them and therefore can not help you learn how to care for them. A chinchilla is not like normal "pets", they become 'part of the family' and need special care to live a full, happy, healthy life.

It's best to know the background they came from and any family/medical history that is important.
I get calls/e-mails almost daily from all over the country. Just this week, I got a call from a lady I had helped before about her 'pet store chin' that is now showing signs of seizures. Seizures can be caused by many different things ... one is hereditary ... but there is no background information on the little one. The lady will now have to have some expensive blood work done on her chin to find out what is causing the seizures and
IF it can be helped with a change in diet or the use of medication. When you have a 'pet store chin' and it comes down to medical problems ... everything is usually a big
? mark.
Yes, pet store chinchillas need homes, too ... BUT ... the more chinchillas purchased in pet stores, the more chinchillas will find their way to pet stores to be sold. Pet stores are in business to make money ... if it is no longer profitable, they will stop. Most national chain pet stores get their chinchillas from a distributor, with no information about the chinchilla. Some Ma & Pa pet stores get them from local breeders ... this is better ...

... but still not as good as having the breeder to fall back on if there is a problem.
Chinchillas look cute in pictures ... then you touch them ... there is nothing like it ... They have the softest fur known to man! Instantly you fall in love ... or so you think ... then you take one home and see all it's cute antics, sweet looks, big dark shiny eyes, the way they beg and the love they offer ... an unconditional love ... this is when they change your life ... forever! If you have a heart at all ... you have just made a lifetime commitment to these precious little furbies.

Are you planning on getting males or females? Have you considered breeding? That is a really big step ... one to be taken with extreme caution!

Jo Ann