Chinchillas > Cages

How to build a cage

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:::grins:: We are making out the blue prints tonight, can't Wait to see how it turns out ::silly:: what a beautiful cage.

one more thing before I forget  if you are making it out of wood I got the smallest/strongest possible wire I think that mine is 1/ 2" x 1/2"  they have a hard time getting their little mouths through to bite at the wood but anyway what I did was takthe wire and have it cover the entire inside of the cage sides completely and then just stapled it down  all over cause I know that they are smart little guys and I didn't want them trying to knaw through the wood and get out or just mess it up that way this cage will last longer

Jo Ann:
 ::silly::Hi All,

Anyone thinking of using old furniture to build a cage or a mostly wood cage ... they are beautiful, but not usually very practical.  Vent holes will have to be cut in both sides as well as the back, for a good flow of fresh air. (1/2" square cage wire can cove the holes.)

--- Quote from: chinchillagrl06 on August 02, 2006, 09:12:28 AM ---You may want to make the inside melmine. It's so easy to wipe off and keep clean.
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It's not just for convience of cleaning ... melmine is not porus like wood is and will not allow urine to soak into it.
Always cover the exposed edges with metal so that the chin can not chew on them.  Melmine can be consumed by a chin, but like plastic, will not dissolve and can damage the intestines of a chinchilla.

--- Quote from: babytaz0028 on August 02, 2006, 07:57:15 AM --- I found this big entertainment center type thing. I am thinking of trying to line it with thin pine plywood and make a cage out of it. I have no idea what kind of wood it is made of so I don't want them to be able to chew it. 
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Chins will spray on the wood and if one gets sick (dirrhea) ... wood allows the fluids to soak into the wood and is a breeding ground for germs, fungus and making a chin sick.

  Jo Ann

::silly:: Thanks for the tips. We did the blue prints just a few more things to add and we can start! I'm using the melmine.  ::nod::

Jo Ann

--- Quote ---Anyone thinking of using old furniture to build a cage or a mostly wood cage ... they are beautiful, but not usually very practical.  Vent holes will have to be cut in both sides as well as the back, for a good flow of fresh air. (1/2" square cage wire can cove the holes.)

--- End quote ---
do you have a pic of one?


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