Chinchillas > Cages

How to build a cage

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Jo Ann:
::silly::Hi FluffBall,

    I'm not sure if you are wanting a picture of the the furniture or of the wire covered hole.  I will have to look for the picture someone sent me made from furniture(made from a china cabinet), but here is how to cover the vent hole....

Jo Ann

If you will notice, the wire has been smoothed on every cut edge. There are two pieces of wire, one on each side of the opening and there are "C" clamps on at each corner and center sides to hold it in place.  1/2" x 1/2 wire was used. 

This is on one of our cages that we use to introduce two chins and/or keep the male and female familar with each other while the kits are being raised.

yes I wanted to see the furniture cage I have tons of furniture I could turn into cages think hubby would get mad but  o well it is mine no I would use the old stuff first :::grins::

Ya it is done  :::grins::. I still have to add a few  more things to it. I will put some pics of it in a few days or so.  ::fruit::

Chins To Love:
Can't wait to see the pics :)

I am going to put the pic's up tomorrow. ::silly::


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