Chinchillas > Cages

How to build a cage

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Where can you get quality wire i need about 6m to make my cage, what do you think is the right height and width of a cage

Jo Ann:
::silly:: Hi Oli,
    The restrictions in cage size is only those you have room for  ::hah:: AND are willing/able to clean throughly WEEKLY.  :P
    A nice size is 18"x 24" x 30" 2 or 3 levels/floors for a single or a pair of chinchillas.  BUT if you have a male/female pair, you also need what is called a whelping cage ... it should be 18" x 24" by 15" or shorter and only one level.
    Below is a picture of a cage we use to make for many of those who adopted chins from us, but Bill no longer makes it ... we have about 200 chins now and do not have the time. Just click on the picture to give you a larger image.    ::nod::

Jo Ann

I had to give up on the cage building. My husband doesn't have a lot of extra time and I don't think I can do it.  ;D Every time I put things together I do it backwards, and have to take it back apart. I had one of the huge cages from Chin World and I just could not wait on help to put it together. By the time I got it done one of the ledges was in the middle of the door. It was kinda funny, but a real pain to fix.

Jo Ann:
::silly::One night (or I should say early morning) we were trying to get a cage together for a family that was going to get two chins from us the next day.  We were very tired, to say the least.  The next morning it was time to load everything up in the van ... as we picked up each side of the cage, we realized we forgot to put the back on it!    rofl

Hand made cages are wonderful if you have the time, tools, and patients ... but ... I have found them not to be very economical if they are made properly.  Many of the internet places you can find cages now are, as a rule, less expensive than making them yourself.

Jo Ann

 ::nod:: Yes, That why I am buying a new one Today. ::silly::


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