Chinchillas > Cages

How to build a cage

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  Hi Julianne Thank you I Will be sure to use that ::silly:: ::silly:: ::silly:: now that my chins are growing.

Are you a chinchilla club member?  If so login to the members area and and under the cages category we list a bunch of different cage designs and link right to the step by step directions.  There are some really neat designs.

I am going to make a new cage when my 2 start getting along and can be caged together. My dad has all kind of junk around his house and I found this big entertainment center type thing. I am thinking of trying to line it with thin pine plywood and make a cage out of it. I have no idea what kind of wood it is made of so I don't want them to be able to chew it. It is about 6 or 7' tall. Should I put 2 floors in it or would 1 with a lot of shelves work better. I really want this to be the last cage I build so I want to do it where it will last. What does everyone think?

You may want to make the inside melmine. It's so easy to wipe off and keep clean. There is a breeder selling out around here I am actually going to go have a look at her chins and take home 1 or 2 melmine cages if I can.  ::silly::

--- Quote from: babytaz0028 on August 02, 2006, 07:57:15 AM ---I am going to make a new cage when my 2 start getting along and can be caged together. My dad has all kind of junk around his house and I found this big entertainment center type thing. I am thinking of trying to line it with thin pine plywood and make a cage out of it. I have no idea what kind of wood it is made of so I don't want them to be able to chew it. It is about 6 or 7' tall. Should I put 2 floors in it or would 1 with a lot of shelves work better. I really want this to be the last cage I build so I want to do it where it will last. What does everyone think?

--- End quote ---

i have a bit of experience in building things of this nature, if i can ever be of any help, please dont hesitate to contact me at any time at BAMBAML19@AOL.COM good luck with your build, dont forget to take pics along the build and postem when your finished. The one piece of advice that i have is to research the wood you use, that is very important since they will eat any exposed wood they can and alot of woods are toxic to chins, i use aspen in some of my small projects, not a cheap wood but a safe one. Do your homework and good luck.



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