I have a fence around the garden, but the bunnies are small enough to get through the fencing. We've had bunnies for years and my garden, too ... no problems ... till this year ... I guess one of this year's new arrivals likes fresh gardens. It's now eating my newly forming cucumbers once they reach a little over an inch or two long.

I hope it will go back to the corn we keep out for them ... I even set out rabbit food (pellets) for them.
AliPie, Thank you so much! Very good information there ... especially in the sites linked to within the article. They listed some good spices that I had thought about planting anyway.

This was also listed: BUT I STRONGLY disagree with the mothballs ... Mothballs can cause feline leukemia in cats, from what I have been told.
Other ways to repel rabbits include:
•Dog hair: After brushing the dog, place the hair among plants and in the joints of the edging strips around the trees.
•Mothballs: Scatter mothballs around the garden. Needs to be re-applied frequently. 
•Cat litter: Place the used cat litter along the edges of the garden and ring plants with it. Continue to replace with newly used litter.We don't have a cat any more ... but ... now I know what to do with the huge amount of dog hair I sweep up daily

(we have two Great Danes) ... Hello, garden ... let me introduce you to dogie hair!

Jo Ann