Re: Kits and weight gain « Reply #6 on: Today at 11:35:03 AM » --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oh my gosh Jo Ann, the nut thing threw us for a loop too! Our reaction was No, we can't give her nuts because everything we have read goes against that, the whole fatty liver thing etc..... Well Lani said it was OK to give her 1 whole almond a day OR 1/2 of a walnut a day. And yes this is for a very limited period of time just to get Mia over the hump. Thank goodness she loves almonds! I give her 1/2 of a whole almond in the AM and the other 1/2 in the PM. I have done this for 2 days now. I'll probably give her another one today and then see how she does for the next day or so without a nut. Lani explained it like this. Apparently nuts increase the metabolic water in a chins system. Nuts are (sort of) indirectly metabolized into water. Now this is very important, AS LONG AS THE CHINCHILLA IS TAKING IN FIBER (TIMOTHY HAY) WHEN GIVEN A NUT it is OK. But she must be taking in fiber. Mia is eating timothy hay so we were OK. Also, Lani suggested giving her soy milk or apple juice in a couple of extra water bottles on the cage or from a dropper if she would take it that way. We gave her soy milk from a dropper and in a water bottle, she likes it OK. We also gave her a 3rd water bottle with cranberry juice cocktail 1/2 juice to 1/2 water. She liked that alot!Lani's other suggestion was to give Mia certain fruits only such as apples or peaches and/or certain veggies because they all contained water! Never tried veggies but I gave her a piece of apple and she reacted like I was trying to kill her! She did not go for it! Now everyone keep in mind please the above advice was given to us to treat a SICK nursing momma chinchilla who had stopped drinking. She was clearly suffering from postpartum depression and exhaustion and needed quick help.Nuts, fruits/veggies, juices should not be given to healthy chins as treats.Mia is doing much better now, she is even starting to drink water on her own. For some reason after we gave her that first almond and some soy milk things really began to look up! Don't know why, but it worked for us!!! I just love Lani, she always knows what to do in any situation! Report to moderator (?) Forgot to mention in my last post. We have also been giving Mia some little extras just to get some nutrition & energy into her.Sorry Jo Ann, I know you asked about this and I did not mention what those extras were!The little shredded wheat square cereal, non frosted by Post, raisins, papaya cubes, and plain cheerios & Mrs. Pastures oat/grain cookies for animals. No, I don't give all of these to her every day! Just a few a day and in moderation. She has been doing well and no problems with her poops or digestion. Poor thing just needed to eat & drink and Lani & I decided whatever it took (safely and within reason) then that's what we had to do. Report to moderator (?)