I have 5 chins of my own and I am watching my friends herd right now. It's so funny seeing all of their different personalities. I love having babies around too. They are all sweethearts, even Laurie and Pepper. Laurie is a sprayer/biter and Pepper is a biter. Laurie is a HUGE girl she is over 1000 grams and was a Grand Show Champion in her prime.

I also own 3 sugar gliders. Gliders are awesome pets, they do amazing things. I love how much they love to be with you all the time.
I also have a bunny. She's cute I love that wiggly nose.
I have 4 cats at my house right now. 1 is my kitty and they others are from a family of 5 kitties I found. I have rehomed 2 of the kittens and mama is going to her new home this weekend. I am keeping 1 kitten, and that just leave me with 1 more to find a good home for.
I have a total zoo!