Hi, I am still a new chinchilla owner. I have been doing some research. On the chinchilla club website they recommend Mazuri 5M01 Chinchilla Food. Calf Manna is a great sounce of Calcium for your chinchilla. We mix our feed 4 parts Mazuri to 1 part Calf Manna. You can find both products here. Another good choice is Manna Pro Classic Show Rabbit Pellets. This has almost the same make up as the Mazuri. Stay away from the food that contains fruit. Do not give your chinchilla gerbil or other rodent food. Find one kind of pellet and stick to it. They have very delicate digestive systems so changing a chin's diet too drastically can cause sickness and even death. We keep their feed dishes full. There is no need to measure their feed since they will only eat when they get hungry. However, if you have a chinchilla that becomes fat or has soft, sticky pellets you will need to cut back on the feed. On average 1 lb. of pellets should last about 20 days when feeding a single chinchilla. Give your chinchilla unlimited access to timothy or alfalfa hay. We recommend a mixture of the two since each has different nutritional values. Both can be bought in almost any pet store either as loose hay in a bag, or as pressed cubes of hay. Either one is fine, however some chinchillas won't eat the cubes. This is given ALONG with the pellets. Chinchillas love to get treats, however, you can only give a small amount a day. An adult chin may have 1-2 raisins a day, or a small wedge of apple. To prevent diarrhea, I wait until babies are at least 3 months before I start giving treats. If your chinchilla becomes fat or develops diarrhea (soft, sticky pellets) you need to cut back on the treats. For diarrhea you may need to stop treats all together for awhile.
I hope that was helpful. I just order those pellets from lone star chinchilla and I will get them in a few days. I'v been using food with fruit treats in it. I didn't know that that wasn't good for them.