Welcome to the Wonderfully Crazy World of Chinchillas!
A chinchilla is like a cat ... it wants to do, what it wants to do, when it wants to do it. It's curious and loves to explore.
It's also like a puppy ... loves to run around and play, getting into everything and chewing everything it shouldn't.
It's a miniature clown that will do anything and everything it can think of, to get (and keep) your attention.
They are like humans in that they have a full ray of emotions and do not like to be caged ... even if it is for their own good.
They are a cross between Enstine and Hercules ... if they can't figure out how to open the latch, then they use brute strength.
1. My chin, Crash, is always banging on his cage like he is a prisoner waiting to escape.
He is.
... and I give him lots of attention.
Take it as a complement ... if he did not enjoy your company, he would not want more of it.
He has plenty of toys to play with and ledges to jump on. I'm wondering why he is acting like this??
Would you be happy spending 22 out of 24 hours in one room? Even if you knew it was better for you? Chinchillas are like children, they want it all.
He never seems to let me hold him. As soon as I pick him up he just squirms and tries to run away.
Maybe you're not holding him quite right ... chinchillas need to know they are safe when being held. They like to be held close to you ... but most important of all, they need for you to support their hind legs at all times. If you don't , they think they are going to fall.
He willingly will come to my hands and when he is out of his cage he will run up to me and jump on me but he just wont let me hold him.
Chinchillas aren't much into petting and holding, they like to show off for you and hear you laughing.

When you are laughing, they know you are happy and that they are pleasing you.

Jo Ann