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Play time
« on: November 10, 2009, 03:00:22 PM »

Ok, so i was letting my chins run around the spare bedroom. Well pogo, bc he wouldn't stay in the fence area. He used to not try to excape if kitty waldo wasn't around, but then he did it twice when he was in the room. My bf didn't like him running around the room either. So i started letting them run around in the bathroom. I'd switch off from the hallway one to the one in the bedroom. The hallway one is bigger because it has a bathtub in it. I went to check on them in the bathroom it the hallway and i knoticed that somehow they were getting the paint off back by the toilet. I had liked to put them in that one vs the other one bc they would make less of a mess with there droppings. I'm guessing thats just bc it was bigger. I always need to clean the bathroom when they get done bc they smooch some of there poop on the floor and everywhere, but more so in the smaller bathroom. And now i don't know what to do. Should i just let them play in the small bathroom? Also i have a computer in the spare room now, and i don't think it would be good to have them play in there since pogo won't stay in the fence. They chew on everything. I was hoping petsmart would have had something to put on top of the fence so they couldn't excape, but they don't. I was going to get 2 of the big balls that they can roll around in for christmas, but i also know that they can't stay in that to long. And ideas? Thanks!


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Re: Play time
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2009, 11:05:08 PM »

Yeah, they can easily overheat in the balls. I wouldn't use them for more than 10 minutes at a time.
Instead of checking Petsmart, check Lowe's or Home Depot! They probably have better options for building fenced-in areas.

As for the bathrooms, I'd put them in whichever one they destroy the least, personally.  If they are big time chewers, don't put them near a computer!

Another option may be adding TOYS to their play area so they don't get bored and destroy the bathroom. Even just a few boxes could make playtime more exciting. Switch up which toys you put in the room to keep it exciting.

 I know it takes up a lot of time...but you may also consider sitting with them in the bathroom...playing with them...if you're there they are less likely to mess with the walls/baseboards, etc. They'll want to mess with YOU instead. My chins love climbing all over me like a jungle gym. I have so many pictures of them sitting on my shoulders and even on my head! Although time consuming, it's fun & rewarding. Plus if/when you catch them "misbehaving" you can redirect them, and hopefully they'll learn what behaviors you don't approve of. They are very smart animals.

Jo Ann

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Re: Play time
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2009, 09:58:05 AM »

I went to check on them in the bathroom it the hallway and i knoticed that somehow they were getting the paint off back by the toilet.

What were they doing in the bathroom alone?  Out-of-the-cage-playtime is always suppose to be closely supervised ... the whole time they are out of the cage.   ::nod::  How would you fee if one of them bounded off the sink, into the bathtub and was knocked unconscious, injured or even killed?  The difference in 30 seconds and five minutes is a long time when you are hurt.  To a chin, it could be the difference of recovery vs.  going into shock and death.

Their "free time" is a time that can be the most enjoyable time for all ... or ... can be an extremely dangerous time for them and an uneventful one for you.  No matter how bad a day you have had or how upset you may be ... a little chin and some one-on-one playing time with it can  definitely raise your spirits and relax you.  All the chin ask is a little time and undivided attention from you.  A half hour or so out of 24 hours is really not that much time.   :)

I was hoping petsmart would have had something to put on top of the fence so they couldn't escape, but they don't.

If you think a larger space is all they need to make them happier, why not just buy them a huge cage?   ::)

I was going to get 2 of the big balls that they can roll around in for Christmas, but i also know that they can't stay in that to long.
Not more than 10 or 15 minutes ... IF ... the house temperature is rather cool.  BUT, the balls can be a death trap, if the chins are not being watched constantly while they are inside the balls.

 ::wave::  Jo Ann
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Play time
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2009, 01:09:44 PM »

Thanks both. I do put different toys and a show box in there, but they don't really play with them. I don't have money or room for a big cage. I will check home depot for something, i have to go there anyways for something for their cage. I used to sit in there fence area and they would climb on me. But now if i sit in the fence area with them, even with toys for them to play with, they just try to excape after a little bit.

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Re: Play time
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2009, 01:00:55 PM »

 ::silly::  Chin toys are not expensive ... unless you want them to be ... we use empty toilet paper rolls, empty foil or plastic rap rolls.  I also get the large empty rolls from my local restruant ... they will play on them and sleep in them ... they are about 3 to 4 inches in diameter.  Kleenex boxes, oatmeal boxes, cereal boxes ... small to medium size boxes with windows and doors cut out ... they love to run and hide in and on these.  The are all disposable and the chins could care less if you have paid a huge amount of money for them or got them free.

 I have seen homemade jungle gyms made of wood and of white PCV plastic pipes ... these give them a playground that would be envied by any chin.

 ::howdythere::  Jo Ann
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Play time
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2009, 03:54:42 PM »

I like that sound of a jungle gym. Do you know of a website i could look at to get an idea about making one?

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Re: Play time
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2009, 10:51:00 AM »

 ::silly::  I use the "T" & "Y" shaped 4" or 5" white PVC pipe from Lowe's for my chins to play on, hide in ... some even prefer to sleep in them.   It's a must with me for kits when the daddy is allowed go back in the cage after the 10 day waiting period after mom delivers.  We also get the pipes that size (4" diameter) and cut them into 6" to 12" sections.  These are easily washed and/or sterilized in the dishwasher (top part only). Some of mine have even learned to walk on the top of the pieces of pipe to get them to the feeding bowl.     rofl    I tried to find the pictures of the PVC play pipes made for chins, but could not find it ... I'll keep looking.  PVC pipe is a form of plastic, but it does not come off in pieces, when chewed, like most plastic.  PVC comes off in a powder form that falls to the bottom of the cage. 

I'll try to describe the play bars ... picture a flat square made from 1 inch diameter PVC pipe, joined together by 45 degree connecting pieces.  Now picture 1, 2, or 3 bars (different height's) attached to this base like an upside down U ... using "T" connections to the base to secure them in place.  The top of the pipe (the bottom part of the U) would be wrapped with twine or rope to give a strong footing for the chin.   They will play on these for hours, once they figure them out. 

Other parts of the play ground can be made from boxes (make sure there are no metal staples left in the boxes), with holes and doors cut out of them.

 ::wave::  Jo Ann
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Play time
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2009, 08:15:49 PM »

Thanks. I'm going to show this to my boyfriend and see what he thinks.


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Play time
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2009, 10:39:40 AM »

Well petsmart did have a lid for the fence, but they were out of it. I wasn't sure if it big enough for the fence i have or not anyways. My friend suggested using card board boxes. So i get some boxes and my boyfriend made a lid for there fence. It seems to be working pretty good. I just have to find a better way to attach the fence to the cage. Snowie can get the hooks off. I had my boyfriend put them on all the way, bc i could only get the fence attached half way, so i hope this works. Its not really good now. I just have a feeling that after awhile pogo is going to find a way out.
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