Sorry about that on the reglan, I was thinking of something else that is an antibiotic.

I'm not sure what you mean by stating that antibiotics kill all bacteria. Antibiotics kill either gram negative bacteria, gram positive bacteria, or both. So, I think it depends on what antibiotic one is using.

"Why can't you consume dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc) while on antibiotics? Tetracycline and similar drugs are calcium chelators. When you eat tetracycline and calcium at the same time, some of the tetracycline binds (chelates) to the calcium in your stomach. When it is bound like that, your body can't use it."
http://home.caregroup.org/clinical/altmed/interactions/Drug_Classes/Tetracyclines.htm "Probiotic Intestinal Flora
adverse drug effects: During the course of eliminating disease-causing bacteria, antibiotics such as tetracycline usually also
destroy normally-occurring beneficial bacterial flora that form an integral part of the healthy intestinal ecology and assist digestive and immune functions."
On the milk and milk by products and effects it has on antibiotics, such at tetracycline, I was going by what my son's doctor told me when my son was little, and by my old vet, that now lives in Florida, and some articles like the one listed above. From what I was told, milk will affect
some antibiotics, but not all of them. I have also taken some medications, which include antibiotics , that has one of those little stickers on the side of the bottle that says "Do not take with milk."
I try to stay away from making those "general statements", but when you make a statement about a specific antibiotic or antibiotics, you have to list them all, and I don't know all of them. I do not like to make general statements. But, I will, sometimes, to play it safe.
I did make a general statement when I used the word "all", and should not have done so. Sorry about that ... this is one of those times I goofed.

Jo Ann