I took Stewie to see the Vet last Tuesday. To my surprise, Dr. Susan Seman stated that he looked much better than the last time she examined him! His heart and lungs sounded great, his hydration level was excellent, and he looked more alert and attentive to me. She said that it obviously was due to me being so aggressive in his care. She stated that due to the force feeding, antimetic medication, eye drops, and subq fluids I was giving him, he looked like he was doing quite well. She stated that she wanted me to keep trying for one more week, then take him off everything and see what he does. By that time Stewie would have not been eating or drinking on his own for an entire month. He cannot be force fed his entire life, and she said I would have my answer once I stopped everything.
I decreased his force feeding to once daily on Thursday because he wouldn't take anything from me in the morning. Since his hydration status was good, I also stopped the subq fluids. I was only giving the relgan once daily as well.
By Saturday evening Stewie was eating pellets and hay again!

My husband and I just couldn't believe it!
I'm mixing alfalfa and timothy hay and only giving pellets (no fancy stuff) He hasn't started to eat his yogurt drops yet (that's his favorite treat) but he is eating on his own!!! I cannot believe that after an entire month he's eating on his own. I really thought it was only getting worse. Dr. Seman prepared me for the worst and told me that most chins don't come back once their intestines stop. I was determined to prove her wrong and I did... well, Stewie did!

He hasn't started drinking yet, so because it's been almost 24 hours without liquid I will try to syringe some water into him tonight. If he won't let me do that then I will administer some subq fluids.
Thank you everyone for all your advice. Stewie and I appreciate everything!