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Author Topic: Holy Heart Failure  (Read 4113 times)

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Holy Heart Failure
« on: October 01, 2009, 07:42:04 PM »

 :o I was playing some games and heard a banshee shriek in the other room! My girlfriend screamed because she thought our chinchilla was dying. She said that Yoda was not responding to anything...even treats! Had her eyes wide open though. I went to check on her and she seemed to be fine. It was almost like she was sleeping with her eyes open! Is there anything to worry about? She is freaking out, its freaking me heart is still beating super fast!

Jo Ann

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Re: Holy Heart Failure
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2009, 06:51:45 AM »

  ::think::  This is a new one on me.  ::think:: 

I do know that some chins will have a tendency to "freeze in position" to avoid another animal from seeing them.  If you have ever seen something only because it moved and caught your eye/attention, then you know what I mean.  If Yoda was not scared before, she probably became very scared when your friend screamed.   ::Hairraising::
For how long did Yoda do this? 
Is Yoda acting normal now?

Could this possibly be a way of getting your attention intentionally?

My Missy use to lay motionless on her back on top of her hut and stiffen her legs.  It would scare the beegeebies out of us.  Of course, once she had our undivided attention, she would roll over, hop down and stand there like the perfect little angel.  Once we decided to ignore her to see what she would do then.  Her response to this was to stay in the same position, but hang her head over the edge and let out a loud screech, one that could not be ignored.  In other words, a tempertantrum.   :D

A vet visit would be good, if for no other reason than to assure you that Yoda is OK.  You may want to wait and see if it happens again.  If it does happen again, be sure to note everything that is going on in the house at that time.  Especially if anyone is playing any games, radio, or a particular program on t.v.  There are a couple of posts already on chinchillas seeming to respond to certain games being played.  Some sounds may be more scary than others to your little one.

Please keep us posted.

 ::wave::  Jo Ann

« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 07:24:04 AM by Jo Ann »
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Re: Holy Heart Failure
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2009, 10:52:36 AM »

Thanks Jo Ann, I fricken love that you are on this forum  |hugs|

I completly understand about them trying to do some ninja vanish stuff, I mean they ninja kick walls all the time! Ill better explain, now that I have had a chance to calm my nerves ;)

I was playing Xbox in a totally seperate room (it has never seemed to bother them). The chinchillas and my girl friend were in the other room. I heard a scream and I ran over there. When I got there everything looked fine with Yoda, she was moving and jumping about. I didnt find out till she told me why she screamed, that Yoda was looking like a statue. She said it probably happened for 3 minutes (however I did see my girl leave the room and I heard the scream very shortly after). She claimed putting treats in front of Yoda's face wouldnt get a reaction, which usually gets the chins real hyper.

I could definitely relate to wanting some attention. I have been lacking in the 'give chillas outside the cage' time. I do ssee them and interact with them everyday, but like I said, they arent getting a lot of outside time. I will keep you posted if anything else happens. Sounds to me like she just wants some TLC  :'(

I also sent your comments to my girlfriend...this is what she says
For how long did Yoda do this?
 At least for 4 minutes before I started messing with her. When I went to see what she was doing it was another minute before I yelled mike. She was completely frozen and moved like a stuffed animal when I touched her, unresponsive to my touch to my voice and to a raisin stuck practically up her nose. (my co-worker) is saying a seizure, eeeek!!!!
« Last Edit: October 02, 2009, 11:00:39 AM by Cuddles »

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Re: Holy Heart Failure
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2009, 06:55:50 AM »

 ::silly::  What time of day did this happen?  Yoda could have been in a deep sleep, or just didn't want to be bothered.

For how long did Yoda do this?
 At least for 4 minutes before I started messing with her. When I went to see what she was doing it was another minute before I yelled mike. She was completely frozen and moved like a stuffed animal when I touched her, unresponsive to my touch to my voice and to a raisin stuck practically up her nose. (my co-worker) is saying a seizure, eeeek!!!!

A seizure is possible, but what you are describing would be a catatonic seizure ...  ::think::  to date, I have not heard of this type of seizure in chinchillas, but, there's always a first time for everything. 

When reading what I will say below, keep in mind that I do NOT think Yoda had a seizure, from what your girlfriend is describing, but was just playing possum.  But, if it happens again, a vet visit would not hurt.   :)  When a subject comes up that would be good to talk about, I usually do   :blush2:   But, as I said, from the description, I do not think Yoda had a seizure ... at least not the "typical" seizure.

Usually, when a chinchilla has a seizure, one or more limbs will stiffen and shake uncontrollably, and/or the head is usually drawn backward towards it's spine.  Sometimes even the tail will twirl like a helicopter blade.  In the more violent seizures the shaking may become violent to the point it can dislocate a joint.  When a chinchilla has a seizure, about the only thing you can do is the same thing as with a human ... protect them from doing injury to themselves due to bumping into any hard objects, such as a feeding bowl or hut.  You can place them on the floor, the bottom of the cage, a bed or in your lap, but do not attempt to stop the shaking or position of a limb or head, this could cause more damage or even kill the little one.  Once the seizure appears to be subsiding, you might want to hold them close, next to your heart ... the sound of the beating of your heart seems to soothe and reassure them that you are there and will protect them.   Talk softly to it, as if talking to a small child or baby.  The seizure is not only scary to you, but to your little one also.  It often drains him/her of strength and makes them very tired and sleepy.  They will usually be very tired and take a long nap ... this is normal.

The seizures are usually less than a minute, eventhough it seems like an eternity, and can be caused by a fall, improper diet, illness or be hereditary.  In the case of a violent seizure a vet visit is pretty much a must, so that they can run tests to find out what caused the seizure and hopefully give you advice that could stop or limit the extreme violence of the seizures.  After or during a seizure, there is always a slight possibility that they can go into shock and/or have a heart attack.

As I often point out, we are not veterinarians and are only passing on our own experiences, as long time breeders and/or chinchilla lovers.  Only a veterinarian can tell for sure what happened.

Please keep us posted!

 ::wave::  Jo Ann
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Re: Holy Heart Failure
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2009, 05:46:48 PM »

I have noticed similar with mine,and I just figured they were asleep or in such a relaxed state they didn't notice me.
Our chins get to know us so well and know by our actions what is going on. I take is as a way cool sign of trust.
As not every chin will do it.
Yes most react the minute you go near them, but some will just look up and wait their turn.While others want you to go around them while sweeping off the shelves.
First when I noticed it I would gaze back at them for a couple of minutes with out any responce from them what so ever. I believe they were just looking right on through me in a state of relaxation. So unconcerned over my presents it would take touching them to bring them around.Then they'd look at me like I had 10 heads.
I know of one I sold, and have pics of him laying on the floor of his cage sound asleep. His eyes can be anything from closed to opened, and he has to be touched to arouse him.

I have never seen a seizure like that either or yet. ::)
Like Jo Ann said that doesn't mean much when it comes to the well being of our chins.Anything can happen, so go with your gut.

I would observe her, but try to keep everything the same. Any change you make will change her behavior. It may never happen again, or she could be one of those with attitude.
If you feel it's something more have her checked by the vet, you know her best. ::wub::
Do keep us posted.


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Re: Holy Heart Failure
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2009, 07:44:55 AM »

Thank you, so much to both of you! My gut says she is ok, but I was trying to make the girlfriend happy so I wanted to get some more ideas of what other owners have heard or expierenced  :::grins::. Been a lot more in tune with the chins since over the weeekend, and I feel like I have 'rediscovered' them. I have that same feeling I had when I was first wanting chinchillas! Im excited to further my relationship with them. I like cuddling with Bean, she is so soft  ::silly::
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